Chapter 4, Courtney's Realization

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Courtney DiLaurentis's Perspective

I didn't think that 'A' was really going to have Ali kidnap me. I mean, seriously 'A'. Get real. Everyone knew that Ali and I hardly fought. At least anymore. Ali and I had a therapist that we went to. Ever since then, we didn't fight anymore. Besides, how could 'A' kidnap me? Not that they'd want to. I may prefer not to be mean, but when my claws come out, they're as sharp and painful as my sister's. But I was worried about Ali. I offered to cancel on tour shopping plan to help Ali, but my sister had glared at me.  I gave in. So I am currently in my room, trying to find an outfit. I pull on a black Prada tank top, navy blue Gucci jeans, and my favorite black Tory Burch wedges that can be a little difficult to walk in, but I manage. I hear my mom walk into her bedroom. I'm about to call out to her and ask her for a ride, but then I hear something that stops me in my tracks.

       "We just need a little more money. Just to pay the therapy bills. I know, but they're your daughters too." My mom said. I scuttle out of my room to listen at the door. 

"Yes, Friday night's good. At 11 o'clock? Great! Bye!" My mom said and made a kissing noise to the person on the other end. But why would my mom beg my dad for money? And 'They're your daughters too'? That made no sense at all. Unless... No. It couldn't.. I almost crashed to the ground. Then that meant.. That meant that my father wasn't my father at all.  I stumbled backwards towards my room. My room. What would even happen if my dad- I guess stepfather now,  found out? Would we be homeless? Would we be on the streets of Rosewood? I could hardly see what was in front of me. Wait a second. At 11:00 on Friday my mother would meet my real father. All I had to do was follow her. I had to do this on my own though. Today was Sunday. I shook my head. Don't lose it, Courtney! I snapped at myself. What would Ali do? Ali wouldn't think about her loser mother. Ali would hold her head high and pretend nothing was wrong. To tell or not to tell? I would tell Ali. But only after I found out who our father was. I walked downstairs. Quietly, so that my mom wouldn't know I overheard. Thinking about what I had just heard and not looking where I was going, I bumped into Jason. 

        "I'm sorry!" I cried. "I didn't see you!" Jason looked up angrily, but his glare softened after my apology.

        "It's okay, Courtney." Jason said. I blinked.

"How do you know I'm not Ali?" I asked. I like asking people that question.  Jason laughed.

"Ali? Apologize? Please. I'm not stupid, Courtney."

"That's news to me." Ali walked down the stairs, looking (I noticed with a tiny twinge of jealousy) , a teensy bit better than me. Ali was wearing a purple Dior dress, and silver Marc Jacobs wedges. (Ali and I made a pact that wedges would be our signature shoe. Didn't matter what brand, just wedges). 

"Come on Court, we have to get a ride from Mom. Unless you'll drive us?" Ali shot at Jason.

Jason scowled.  "I'm not your chauffeur, Ali."  But when I threw him a pleading look, he sighed and nodded.  I grabbed my black Gucci purse while Ali snatched her black Prada bag (We decided that we were going with black purses. The whole school fell over themselves to copy us). We got in the car and Jason drove us to the King James Mall. We waved to Jason and sat ourselves down at Rive Gauche to wait for the girls. Emily arrived first. Then Aria made her way over to us.  Spencer and Hanna finally got here. 

        "Ali, you're not going to believe what Naomi Zeigler said-" Hanna began, but Ali's head shot up with a vicious look on her face.

"What?" Ali snapped. "What did she say?" We all flinched. Hanna straightened, she seemed to want to   be the one who told Ali this new piece of gossip.

"She said," Hanna reported, " And I quote, 'Alison DiLaurentis was so desperate to have friends, she chose losers to be her new friends.'" I clenched my hands angrily. The girls who sat in front of us weren't losers at all. They were cool and cute and popular, everything that Naomi wasn't. Well she did have the right look, but Ali said she wasn't popular, so Naomi wasn't popular. Ali's eyes had narrowed dangerously. Emily looked as though she was about to cry. Aria looked puzzled. Spencer however, looked like Ali. Spencer was mad. I laid a hand on the table. 

"Guys, you know Naomi's just being a bitch. What did people say after Naomi said that?" I  asked, addressing Hanna.

"We all told Naomi that she was the loser, and not to mess with Ali. Naomi looked as if she'd been slapped!" Hanna said happily. Ali visibly relaxed and she laughed, a high note that made the people in Rive Gauche look at her as if she were an angel.

" I can't believe she called us all losers." Emily said sadly. Ali looked fiercely at Emily. 

"You're not a loser. I don't hang out with losers.That girl was a loser when I dumped her. Naomi just isn't used to life at the bottom of the pack." 

"Ali's right, Em." Aria added.

"Yeah, Naomi's a freak." Spencer said, nodding.

"Not it!" Ali teased. 

After that, we just laughed and giggled and had a great time.



Thanks so much, guys!!! 371 readers!! Thank you so much! If you have any questions or comments, comment! It's all appreciated!! And by the way, I try to make things fit the books instead of the TV show, and if something's different from the TV show, it's either from the books, or from imagination. OK, thanks again!!

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