Chapter 15, Twins Reunited

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Courtney DiLaurentis's Perspective

I couldn't believe it. I was finally free! Ali and Jason led me to Jason's car.  I climbed in and admired the interior. I hadn't ridden in a car since..... who knows when. I was looking at everything, determined not to miss any of it.   I was very nervous to see my mom and stepfather-who-thought-he was-my-real-father again. What would I even say? 

          "Ali," I blurted out. "Our dad isn't our real dad." Jason gawked at me and slammed the brakes. Ali turned to me. 

                "I know." Ali admitted, biting her lip.  "I just don't know who, though. How did you find out?" 

Jason spread his hands.  "Time out. What? You aren't my sisters?" Ali huffed.

"Don't be so dramatic, Jason. Just because we don't have the same father, it doesn't mean we're not half-siblings, which we are, through Mom." 

"Then who's your father?"   Jason asked. 

"I don't know." Ali admitted.   "I just found that out while I was stuck in hell. By the way, I'm really sorry for-" I knew what she was going to say.

"I've moved on, Ali, it's okay.  Did A- Mona, tell you?" Ali tensed.

"Yeah, the bitch came to gloat. She wouldn't tell me who he was though. I egged her on because I had no information. I bet she was pissed when she found out that we both escaped.  What are we going to do to her?" Ali grinned. "Should we kill her?" 

"Alison!"  I shouted. Jason looked as if he had no idea what we were going on about. 

"Well, she deserves it!" Ali defended herself. 

"We can't kill her, we'd go to jail. No, I say we  just call the police. They'll take care of it." I said. I could tell Ali didn't exactly like that plan, but she moved on.  

      "Fine. But who's our real father? Do you think we'll have  more brothers or sisters? Mona said you knew who he was." I inhaled deeply.

"We have two sisters. And we know both of them." Ali gasped. 

"Seriously?  Will you stop being so cryptic, Court? Spill already!" Ali said, irritably.

"Our father has lived next door to us all of this time, Ali." I said.  My brother and sister dropped their jaws at the same time. 

"Mr. Hastings?" Jason gasped.

"Spencer and Melissa?" Ali shrieked. Then her eyes went to Jason and widened in alarm.

"Eyes on the road!" Ali yelped. "God, Jason, you're such a bad driver!" 

"You try driving when you get news like this!" Jason retorted. 

"Give me the wheel, then!" Ali demanded.

"Of course not!" Jason exclaimed.

"Well, you just said-" Ali started.

"Guys!" I shouted. "Will you stop arguing? What am I supposed to say when we get home?" Ali looked at me.

"How about 'Hi'?" she suggested.

"Well, duh!" I rolled my eyes. "Besides that!" 

"I'm Courtney! Ali was right and you were wrong, and by the way, Mom lied and Ali and I are the product of an affair. And Ali was right." Ali said, smugly. I rolled my eyes. Ali was no help whatsoever.  Then I looked more closely at Ali.

"Are you wearing my clothes?" I asked.

"I'm you, remember? I have to say, for sneakers, these are comfortable. And they're not even that ugly."

"Thanks, Ali," I said dryly. "But seriously, what will happen to us?"

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