Chapter 14, Alison's Hunt & Courtney's Escape

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Alison DiLaurentis's Perspective

I don't know why we thought we would just stumble upon Courtney , but Jason said he was  " Taking me out" to my parents. Or I guess parent. I still didn't know who my real dad was, but as soon as I  found my twin, I would find out. 

         "This is your idea of finding Courtney?" I ask. Jason grinned. 

"I never thought I'd miss your attitude. But I don't know how Mom and Dad can't tell you apart. If you weren't identical, I'd say it's impossible." I glared at him.

"Thanks a lot." I grumbled. "What do you even think, we're just going to see her on the side of the road?" 

"No, I have something better in mind. You're not afraid of Floating Man Quarry are you?" 

"Please. That place is lame. What, Courtney's going to be chilling down there waiting for us?"

Jason gave me an exasperated look.

"People are looking everywhere for 'Alison'.  But I don't think they've looked that hard at Floating Man Quarry, especially because of the Rosewood Stalker Rumor. I think she might be there. It's worth a shot, isn't it?" he asked. 

"When you realize that you're wrong, I get to remind you that I was right." I huffed, although thinking that it was a possibility. Jason parked the car, and I was very glad that I had worn Courtney's sneakers. Jason was wearing his Air Jordan sneakers, which looked lame, but not on him. We walked on the rocks, and saw the lake surrounding it. We must have been walking for hours trying to find something.  Finally, Jason sat down, frustrated. 

"What are we missing?" he snapped.  All of a sudden, I heard screaming, close to the bottom of the rocks.

"How about that?" I volunteered, and we ran towards the noise.

I ran faster  than I ran for gym.  I heard a gasp. It was close by! I  shot through the rocks. I looked around. I was stuck in between a couple of rocks! Great! But then I got to the point where all I needed to do was jump out of them. Then a voice started yelling at me.

        "Courtney! I've got you! You're in huge trouble now! I will be forced to punish you!"  I went stock still. This person had taken my twin.

     "There's one teensy problem." I said, slowly turning around.   

"Oh yeah," the person, (Was it a guy?) said furiously. I grinned at the guy in black.

"Oh yeah. Because I'm Alison. And I'm gonna kick your ass for taking my sister." And I hopped out of that bush, and before he could move, I punched him many times as hard as I could and knocked him out cold. Jason then came running up. He stopped dead when he saw the guy. 

"Alison! What did you do?" Jason asked, thunderstruck.

"Justified Courtney for him locking her up.  He thought I was Courtney. He didn't see what I was wearing. He gave himself away. So I knocked him out. But I think Courtney's out here somewhere. I think this dude was mad because she escaped. Let's call the cops." And then I remembered that I hadn't exactly kicked his ass yet. So I did.  Then I started screaming.

"Courtney. Courtney! COURTNEY! I'M HERE! IT'S ALI! COURTNEY! WHERE ARE YOU? COURTNEY!" I screamed. I was pretty sure people in Iowa could hear me. Then I saw a flash of cerulean blue eyes. I felt a lump in my throat.

      "Courtney?" I asked, stepping forward.


Courtney DiLaurentis's Perspective

The first thing I saw were the stars. They were so bright. I had almost forgotten about what they looked like. The sky was a rich midnight blue. I was free. But first I had to get away from B. I raced around frantically for a hiding spot.  Then I saw the lake. Hmmmm. I jumped before I could change my mind.  

SPLOOSH! I  swam to the bottom and opened my eyes. There was a little underwater cave that lead probably to one I could hide in.  I swam in, knowing I could drown. But there was a tiny crawl space, big enough for a human to hide in and not be seen. I greedily took in air. Another great thing was the face that there was a concealed hole at the top, where I could hear B's screaming for me. Finally, I heard B's triumphant yells. But that made no sense. I'm down here. Unless.... Then I heard a voice, almost identical to mine.

"Because I'm Alison." Then I heard Ali's screams for  me and her talking with Jason. Jason and Ali! My brother and my twin sister. They were my family. They had come to find me. My eyes peeked out of the hole that I had tried to make bigger. Alison looked directly at the hole.

"Courtney?" she asked, moving forward. 

"ALI!" I cried. "Ali, I'm coming! Hold on!" I swam back to the shore. Jason and Ali were waiting for me. Even though I was all wet, they hugged me, and they didn't let go.


*Yay!!! Courtney escaped! The story's not over yet though! And I'm even debating a sequel. Comment on that, but thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

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