Chapter one: The Voice.

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There will be a // before any part that is triggering!
Max slowly sat up in his bed. His black hair all messy and green eyes tired. He looked over at the alarm clock by Neils bed. 5:37. Why did he get up so damn early. He didn't sleep much anyway, he usually could function with only 1 hour of sleep with no problem. He stood up and grabbed his blue hoodie. His parents knew him so well, his favorite color was red but his parents really thought he liked blue, dark blue. Ew. But he had to suck it up, the hoodie was soft so it didn't bother him much. He quietly walked out of the tent and walked to the lake. It was raining lightly but he didn't care.

He stared at the rain hitting the lake. It was surprisingly pretty considering how fucking disgusting the lake was. The sun hadn't risen yet so he layed down and looked at the stars. At some point he must have fallen asleep because he woke up to a red head standing over him. David.

"WHAT THE FUCK" He yelled and jumped up.

"Max why do I find you out here every single morning." David frowned and grabbed Max's hand.

"Because I'm trying to get away from you. Maybe I should just go into the woods next time, hopefully you wont find me in there." Max rolled his eyes.

"Let's go max." David smiled and started walking towards the camp. Max crossed his arms and followed him.

"Rise and shine campers!" David yelled. "We've got a lot to do today!" Everyone walked out of their tents miserably. They all went to the mess hall and Max followed them.

He stood in line next to Nikki and Neil. He only got the food cause maybe it would poison him.

"So what do you think we are going to do today?" Neil said.

"I don't know it had better be something that I can get away from David with." Max rolled his eyes. "You know this morning I walked out to the dock and fell asleep, I woke up to him standing over me." They got to the food. Oat meal. It didn't even have any fruit in it. Just.. oats. Disgusting.

"Alright campers! Today our camp activity is..." David began "Hiking!" Everyone groaned loudly. "Come on guys it'll be fun!" David smiled.

"Come on guys this is literally what camp is." Gwen said.

"Lets go guys we will have fun!" David smiled and pointed everyone towards the door. Everyone groaned and walked towards the door. Max walked with them as far from David as possible. Unfortunately that was right next to Harrison. Now him and Neil were going to argue about wether magic is real or not. Max knew it was. A few weeks ago Harrison cast a spell on Max and ever since Max had been scared of magic.

"So Neil are you still a skeptic?" Harrison said

"Yes obviously Harrison." Neil rolled his eyes. Max didn't want to sit in the middle of this. They were walking by the tents now. Max snuck towards the tents. No one noticed him running by. He made it to his tent.

"Hey where'd Max go?" Neil said to Harrison in the middle of them arguing. Neil looked over and saw they just walked by the tents. "Oh" Neil ran over to the tents

"Wait Neil what about the hike?" Harrison said

"Can it. I will be right back." Neil yelled as he continued running.

"Whatever." Harrison said and rolled his eyes. Neil kept going towards the tents until he made it to his tent.

"Max?" Neil said as he opened the tent to walk in.

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