Chapter 14: Headed home.

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About a week after everything Max was let out of the hospital. He was told by multiple people that they had actually arrested his father, but couldn't find his mother. In a week Max would have school, he didn't want to go, what if people were cruel to him there too.

Max and David arrived home, David had cleaned Max's room of everything that was destroyed. His clothes were folded neatly and put in the dresser. As soon as he got home he checked his phone, which was left behind. He had hundreds of texts from everyone. Most of them were questioning why Max wasn't answering and if he was okay, someone made a groupchat for everyone at camp while he was away. Max decided to text the groupchat.

Hey guys It said almost immediately texts started pouring in.

MAX! WHERE WERE YOU???????? Nikki said.

I was away. Max said, he didn't want people to pity him so he didn't say anything more about where he was.


Yeah I'm fine, Max said. Everyone was saying that they were relieved that he was okay. Max let out a small smile at his phone. David walked past him and let out a smile when he saw Max smiling and continued walking. Max put his phone down and walked into the kitchen for a snack. There wasn't much in the fridge, just yogurt, meal food, peanut butter, and bread. Max decided to take some yogurt and eat that, he questioned why David kept the bread in the fridge but whatever floats his boat. He heard his phone dinging repeatedly as people texted in the groupchat. He just ignored them and ate his yogurt at the island. After he finished his yogurt he threw it away, grabbed his phone, turned on some music, and marched up to his room. He shivered as he walked past.. He walked into his room and layed down. He stared out his window as people walked by.

He watched out his window for what only felt like a few minutes, but was actually a couple hours. He had been drowning in his music that he lost track of time. He was bored again. He decided to go ask David if he had any good books. He walked down to the living room to be greeted by David writing in a notebook, or drawing?

"David do you have any good books I can read?" Max asked. David looked up from his notebook.

"Yeah! I'm surprised you didn't ask me about books earlier I have an entire closet full of books!" David said cheerfully. He stood up and led Max over to a small closet. "You can just look through these and figure out what you want! There are alot of variety because other kids tend to leave stuff behind." David trailed off, Max questioned what David said but ignored the rest of his speech and started looking through the books.

There were some fantasy books, romance novels, graphic novels, a book about constellations, and alot more. Max grabbed a small graphic novel version of "Miss peregrines home for peculiar children" He left David by the small closet still ranting about past kids that he had fostered. He walked up to his room and started reading the pictures. Max had a friend at his old school that owned millions of graphic novels and comics that he would let Max borrow. Max's favorite comic was Green lantern, he didn't remember which one but he remembered that he liked that one.

Max read the pictures for about two hours before finishing the book. He set it on his nightstand and walked downstairs for another.

"Oh Max dinner wont be ready for a while!" David said kindly, he was cooking what smelled like garlic bread.

"I'm not down here for dinner." Max said as he opened the small closet.

"Oh did you like the book you picked out?" David asked.

"Yeah- Well no- I already finished it." Max said. David smiled and continued cooking. Max looked through the hundreds of books. He decided on a small book called "The ghost of crutchfeild hall" By Mary Downing Hahn. (A/N this is one of my favorite books you should 100% read it if you haven't Mary Downing Hahn is an AMAZING author.) Max brought the book up to his room and read it. It was a quick read, he finished it just in time for dinner.

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