Chapter 13: Back home.

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David and Max sat together in the car. There was a loud silence occasionally broken by people outside and driving over speed bumps. Max watched out his window as they got nearer to home and further from Gwen's house. David kept his eyes locked on the road. Eventually they hot home. Max saw Glen walking down the street. He got out of the car and walked over to the door to put his things inside.

"Max?" Glen yelled from across the street. Max turned around and saw Glen running across the street to come see him.

"Hey Glen." Max said. Glen stood in front of Max trying to catch his breath.

"Where've you been Man?" Glen said still out of breath from running over to Max.

"We had to go stay with my dad's dumb friend." Max said and glanced over at David to make sure he didn't hear what he said, he didn't. Glen had a bruise on his jawline. "What the fuck happened to your face?"

"Nothing, I just tripped." Glen said. "Can I come in?"

"Oh sure." Max said and unlocked the door. Riley ran inside past Max. He and Glen walked inside. "I just realized you've never been inside my house before." Max said.

"Nope, it's really nice." Glen said.

"I guess." Max shrugged. "Want to come see my room? It's a lot better then the rest of the house." Max asked.

"Oh sure." Glen said. Max led the way to his room. "Max you never told me you had an electric guitar." He said just noticing the guitar on Max's back.

"David got it for me." Max said and opened the door to show Glen inside. When he saw what it looked like inside he stood in the doorway shocked.

"What's wrong?" Glen asked before seeing inside. There were clothes thrown everywhere, the drawings that Max had posted on the walls were torn down, the window was wide open, and David's guitar sat in pieces on the ground. Inside the room smelled slightly like beer.

"David." Max yelled.

"Should I- Should I go?" Glen asked.

"If you want? I mean I can hang out with you later." Max said.

"Okay see you later Max." Glen said. Max walked him out. After Glen left Max walked over to David who was sitting at the couch.

"Uh David, I think someone broke into the house while we were gone." Max said.

"Max what are you talking about?" David asked.

"Just come upstairs so I can show you." Max said. He practically dragged David upstairs. He showed David his bedroom. David walked into the room more and looked around. He ignored the broken guitar as he could always get a new one. He opened up Max's closet slightly and backed away immediately. He saw the glint of a knife. He backed towards Max slowly and quietly.

"David? What's wrong?" Max said. Immediately after he said that the door swung open the rest of the way. Max froze. It was his father. Max's heart raced as his mind ran in every direction possible. 'this is a dream, this is a joke, he's going to kill you, fuck fuck fuck fuck.' The looming figure walked closer and closer to the two. David stood in front of Max trying to protect him.

"Max why would you run away from home? You knew I would just find you." He said. Max backed up into the wall on the other side of the hallway. His father was holding a knife behind his back, the same knife David had left on the coffee table. The man threw David out of the way of Max.

"Please don't hurt me." Max begged as his father loomed closer.

"And you decided to tell people lies?" His father said getting closer to Max. Max's eyes began to sting with tears.

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