Chapter 16: Sorry.

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Max woke up early in the morning out of a dazed sleep on the couch. He looked at the clock on the stove, 4:45 AM. Max shrugged his shoulders and decided to go outside for a walk. He grabbed his phone and walked outside. He closed the door almost silently and walked down the road. He put in his headphones and put on some music.

He didn't have school that day because it was already the weekend. The first day was on a Friday. Max spotted a small bench and decided he would sit for a minute. He felt his phone buzzing nonstop. He checked his phone and it was already 6:30.

"Holy shit there is no way I was out that long." Max muttered to himself. David had been texting him a lot.

Max where are you?

Are you okay? Where'd you go?

Max why aren't you answering me?

Bud I'm sorry if I made you mad for whatever reason please come home

Max c'mon David texted over and over again. Max didn't know what to say.

Sorry. Max replied simply. He stood up from the bench and made his way back home. After about thirty minutes he got back home. He heard David inside talking to himself, or he was on the phone? Max felt awful. He sat down on the top step and put his head in his arms.

"Wait he just texted back." David said quietly, his voice was very shaky. "I mean I just- What'd I do? I don't know why he would just up and leave like that." Max over heard David talking. Max stood up slowly and wiped his eyes. He opened the door, which he had left unlocked. David whipped his head around, put his phone down on the island, and ran over to Max.

"Agh!" Max yelled and shielded his face. David scooped him up into a huge hug.

"Where were you? Why'd you leave? Are you mad at me? Are you okay?" David bombarded Max with questions. Max pushed himself off David.

"I'm fine David. I'm not mad at you, I woke up early and wanted to go for a walk. I should've told you, I'm sorry." Max said quietly.

"Yeah you should have, don't pull something like that again you had me worried sick." David said sternly. Max nodded. He walked past David and over to the stairs. David walked back over to his phone and picked it up, Max watched from the top step. "It's alright he came home.. No, what?.. Yes we're still coming up later.. Okay.. Bye."

"Who the hell was that?" Max asked. David turned and looked up to Max on the top step.

"My sister, we're going up to her house tomorrow so you can meet your cousins." David said happily. "It was supposed to be a surprise."

"Oh cool!" Max said.

"Yeah there's four of 'em, Millie, Jordan, Kacey, and Lenny!" David said happily. "Jordan is your age, I think you guys would get along nicely."

"Uh huh, where do they live?" Max asked.

"Just a couple towns over, like a thirty minute drive." David said. "Oh I can't wait for you to meet them! You're going to have so much fun! Matilda, your aunt, can't wait to meet you!"

"Sounds like fun, I'm gonna go up to my room, get some sleep, sorry for worrying you David." Max said and walked the rest of his way to his room. He put on his music and stared at the ceiling. He wondered what his new "cousins" were going to be like. If their anything like David then this was not going to be a fun time.

About thirty minutes went by and Max faintly heard David yelling for him to come down for Breakfast. Max paused his music and walked downstairs.

"Good Morning Max!" David said happily.

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