Chapter 7: Runaways.

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Max packed his bag. He put his hoodies, stuffed animals, and cat food in it. It was around 12:00 at night so he knew his parents were asleep. He walked downstairs quietly and got his cat's harness and leash they were red Max bought them himself so he could bring the cat with him on walks.

Max walked back up the stairs and to his room. He hooked Bat up to her leash. He grabbed his bag and walked downstairs with the cat. He looked around carefully and went outside, his parents didn't have an alarm on the house so this was very easy. He stepped outside with the cat and his bag, he was finally getting out of there, as long as his parents didn't find out.

He walked down the street to a nearby bus stop, he waited for a bus for a few minutes and finally it came. He stepped up to it.

"Hold on. We don't let animals on the bus." The driver said. Max frowned.

"Look if I promise to keep her under control will you let us on? She's no trouble I promise." Max said.

"Alright I guess since no one is on right now, come on." The driver said. Max stepped on the bus and sat at the front seat. "So where you headed."

"Sleepy peak." Max said and pet Bat.

"Alright kid. What are you doing without your parents around?" The driver said. He looked at Max through the rear-view mirror. Max shuffled in his seat.

"Well I was staying with my aunt, Susan and she told me that I should go home so I am, to uh see my parents." He lied.

"Alright and they live in sleepy peak?" The driver asked.

"Yep!" Max said.

"Okay.." The driver said suspicious of the boy. Max smiled half heartedly. "So what have you got in your bag?" The driver asked.

"Why do you feel the need to ask me about everything?" Max clapped back.

"Touché." The driver said and stared at the road. Max stared out the window with Bat in his lap. Around ten minutes later the bus stopped Max looked up.

"Are we here?" Max asked.

"Yup, and I'm gonna cut you some slack kid, you don't have to pay." The driver smiled at Max. Max smiled back.

"Thank you sir." Max said and stepped off the bus. The bus drove off and Max stood there for a minute. Now he just had to figure out his way back to camp, hopefully everyone was getting along fine without him. Bat nuzzled Max's leg. Max bent down to pick her up and started walking. He walked into town and stopped at a store that was still open. A woman greeted him at the door.

"Well hey kid.. and cat? What are you doing up so late?" She said and smiled.

"Look miss I'm just looking for directions, do you happen to know where a Camp Campbell is?" Max asked. The lady nodded.

"Yeah if you go down this street and turn left on Adams rd. and walk a while you will get there in about an hour!" She said Max smiled.

"Thank you miss." He said and walked away. He rolled his eyes he had to pretend to be a sweetheart so people would help him out. He followed the lady's directions.

Around an hour later he wound up back at camp. He decided to sit at the sign at the front of the camp and sleep there until morning. His cat cuddled up
beside him and they both fell asleep.

"Max?" David said looking down at him. It was the morning and Max was asleep next to the cat. "What is he doing here?" Max woke up.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Max yelled waking up the sleeping cat next to him.

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