Chapter Two: Bandages

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"Rise and shine campers!" David yelled. Everyone groaned as they woke up. Neil looked over at Max as he stretched.

"Max." Neil said quietly. "Wake up unless you want to get ripped off your bed again."

"Mmh." Max groaned and stayed sleeping. Neil sat up and walked over to Max's bed.

"Wake up." Neil said and shook Max.

"What Neil!?" Max yelled as he sat up.

"I was just making sure David wouldn't have to rip you out of bed again, you hit your head last time." Neil said and shrugged his shoulders. Max looked down and panicked as he realized he wasn't wearing his hoodie. He ran over to the end of his bed and threw on his hoodie.

"Well thank you Neil." Max said as he adjusted his hoodie strings.

"Boys are you up?" David asked knocking on the tent.

"Yes David." Neil yelled.

"Both of you?" David said.

"Yep." Max said as he threw on a pair of jeans.

"Alright breakfast in the mess hall when your ready." David said. The two heard his footsteps get quieter as he walked to the next tent that no one got out of yet.

"Does my hair look fine?" Max asked Neil. There were no mirrors in the tent really.

"Yeah it looks normal." Neil said as he walked to the tent entrance.

"Cool." Max said as he followed Neil out of the tent. They both walked over to the mess hall. It wasn't a far walk but since they were tired, well at least Max, it seemed longer.

"Are you gonna actually eat today?" Neil said to Max.

"Not hungry right now." Max said. He rolled his eyes and looked over towards the lake.

"Suit yourself I heard its potatoes." Neil teased.

"I mean I will wait in line with you I guess." Max said running to catch up with Neil. He didn't like to admit it but Neil and Nikki were Max's safe space.

"Where's Nikki?" Neil said looking around the mess hall.

"How am I supposed to know?" Max said. He was slightly annoyed because he didn't fall asleep until very late. Max looked around the building too. The first thing he noticed was that Gwen wasn't there. "Yeah no I'm not waiting in this line." Max said to Neil and walked over to an empty table. He sat down and dug his hands in his pocket.

"You eating Max?" David said and sat down next to Max.

"Not hungry." Max said annoyed. "Where's Gwen?" He asked. He really didn't want to be alone.

"Oh she's sick, we are going to be swimming in the lake today." David said to Max and got up. "Alright well don't be to miserable." David said and rubbed Max's head. Max shoed his hand away and put his head in his arms.

"Hey Max!" He heard Nikki say. She sat down next to him.

"Jesus fucking christ Nikki, warn a guy before you sneak up on him." Max said as he jumped up and went to cover his ears.

"Sorry, look its fries today!" Nikki said holding up a fry.

"For breakfast?" Max said staring at the fry, he was really hungry.

"I guess so." Nikki said. She shrugged her shoulders and started eating her fries. Max looked up and Nerris and Harrison were sitting down.

"Uhm." Max said loudly in their direction.

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