Chapter 12: Long nights

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Max woke up suddenly to Riley barking. She didn't usually bark at night so this was alarming. Max looked out his window and he saw a long shadow coming from the front door. Max got up and quickly walked over to David's room. David was already awake when he got over there.

"David I think someone's outside." Max said quietly.

"Okay Max go back into your room I will go deal with it okay?" David said. Max looked back at his room worriedly.

"David I think it was the man." Max said, David immediately knew it as the tall large man that Max had been seeing out his window.

"Okay just go into your room I'll deal with things, it'll all be okay." David said. Max trusted him when he said that. He walked back to his room and locked his door. David walked downstairs and looked out the peep hole, Riley was still barking at the door.

There was a person outside. David studied what they looked like for a while. He walked away from the door and grabbed a kitchen knife to defend himself. He walked back over to the door. The man was out there looking around to see if anyone was around. He looked familiar to David but he thought nothing of it.

"Sir can I help you?" David asked.

"Hello, I was passing through-" The man started. His speech was clearly slurred and he was obviously drunk.

"Sir, you're drunk, please go home before I call the police." David said in a stern voice.

"Listen to me!" The man yelled. "I know the child you are keeping in this house."

"No you don't sir, please go home." David said again. The man punched at the door. Riley went into a barking fit at the door again.

"Sir. If you don't get off of my property right now I will call the police." David said.

"Man I just need to talk with you." The man said. David wasn't having it, this man was drunk and had been stalking them.

"Sir have you been looking at my son from the sidewalk?" David asked. The man got angry.

"No I haven't been looking at your son from the driveway, I'm not a creep." The man said again.

"Well he isn't the type to lie about this stuff so why would he tell me that you were." David said.

"I don't fucking know man." The man whined.

"Sir get off my property right now." David said. The man kicked at the door. David pulled out his phone and dialed 911. "There is no stopping me from hitting this call button." He pointed at his phone.

"Look I know the kid in that room, just let me talk to him." The man slurred his speech. David hit the call button.

"911 what's your emergency?" A woman on the other end said.

"There is a drunk man outside of my door trying to get to my son." David said loud enough for the man outside to hear.

"Okay police are on their way, can you give us a description?" The woman said.

"Yes he has dark hair, he's tall, and he is bigger. He has a beard and it looks like he is wearing a gray shirt underneath a flannel." David explained.

"Thank you sir, police will be there in just a few minutes, can you stay on the line with me?" The dispatcher said.

"Yes." David said.

"Where is your son in the house?" The woman asked.

"The man is just outside the door I don't feel comfortable answering this when he is right there." David said.

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