Chapter 17: Bye.

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Max had been living with David for a few months now, the band has been getting a lot of gigs and Max was promoted to lead guitarist and vocalist. Life was going pretty well, but the thoughts managed to wriggle their way back into his mind. He wanted it all to end. Maybe Neil was right, maybe Max would finally do it.

Max stood at the island, he was home alone. David left him alone for work. He stood in front of the wooden knife block, staring at it. His heart raced out of his chest and the voice beckoned him.

None of them care. You're just a burden to them.

Max stood there shaking. He took one of the knives and walked into the bathroom. He set the knife down on the counter and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. He didn't want to leave anyone with questions. He took his phone out of his pocket and decided to text the camp groupchat one last time.

Everyone, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to say that I don't mean to hurt you by doing this everything is just getting to be too much. I hope you understand. Please forgive me. He reluctantly sent the text. Almost immediately texts started pouring in.

What are you talking about?

Max are you okay.


Max turned off his phone. He turned over to the paper and wrote.

Dear everyone,

I don't really know what to write on this, I've kinda wanted to do this for a while. I know it seemed like I was finally getting better but I mean, looks deceive. Look, this is no one's fault. Don't blame yourself for what I'm doing, I wanted to do this even before I met any of you guys. David I know you'll find this first, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry, thanks for everything. And Please give this note to Glen so he can show the band. Now David stop reading here. Guys, I'm really sorry, but look, Glen can be your lead guitarist again!


Max set the note on the sink next to his phone. He turned on the tub and climbed in with all his clothes on. He flinched as he climbed into the warm water. He grabbed the knife and held it over his arm. He closed his eyes tightly and dug the knife in. He breathed in sharply. He drew the deep line down his arm. He took the knife out and dropped it on the floor. The tub water became a deep red quickly, and Max's vision blurred and slowly became dark.

David walked in happily through the front door.

"Max I'm home!" David said in a sing-song voice. There was no answer. Usually Max would be running down the stairs to greet him. "He's probably just asleep."

David hung his coat up and walked into the kitchen. He noticed a knife missing from the knife block. His heart started to race. He ran into Max's room and he wasn't there. He ran back through the hallway and noticed the bathroom door open. He slammed the door open and his eyes widened when he saw it.

"No." David said, his voice breaking. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and called 911. He put it on speaker as he stared at Max in the tub.

"911 what's your emergency." A woman answered.

"I need an ambulance." David cried into the phone. His voice was shaking.

"Okay we are sending one right now, what happened sir?" The woman asked. David sunk to the ground.

"My son.. he.." David couldn't let the words out, he almost threw up just thinking about it.

"Sir I understand, an ambulance is being semt your way just stay on the phone with me." The woman said. All David could hear was the dripping of blood. He looked up on the counter and grabbed the sheet of paper. "Sir? Are you there?"

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