Chapter 15: First Day

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First days of school are always stressful. Especially if it's a new school.

Max woke up to David turning on his bedroom lights. He pulled the blankets over his head and groaned loudly, saying for David to leave him alone.

"Max you can't be late for school!" David said. Max put his pillow over his head. "C'mon it's your first day." David walked over to Max and ripped the blanket off of him.

"What the hell David?" Max said, shooting up out of bed.

"You have to get ready for school, it's your first day!" David said cheerfully. Max rolled his eyes and stood up.

"I'm awake get out." Max said. David listened and walked out of Max's room. Max closed the door and looked for a good outfit to wear. He decided on a band t-shirt and baggy blue jeans. He walked out of his room and into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He caught a glimpse of some eyeliner and black eye shadow. Max shrugged and put some of the eyeshadow under his eyes.

"Max Glen's here!" David yelled from downstairs. Max looked at himself in the mirror and decided he looked presentable enough to leave. He ran downstairs and grabbed his already packed backpack. "Have a good day at school!"

"I will." Max said as he closed the door. He looked over at Glen. "Here to walk me to school?"

"Yup, this-a-way." Glen smiled and pointed in the direction of the school. Max began to get anxious of the school, who knows what would happen. They walked together to the school. "You look cool."

"Thanks, I don't know why my dad had eyeshadow but hey, it looks cool." Max laughed. Glen smiled.

"How do you feel now that you have a real dad." Glen asked.

"Good.. It's different y'know?" Max said after some thinking. The rest of the walk was filled with a comfortable silence. After about ten minutes they got to the school. Max checked his phone, which had been sitting in his pants pocket. 8:57. Students were being let off various busses as Max and Glen made their way into the school. He heard people talking behind him and heard a familiar voice.

"Max?!" They yelled Max whipped his head around and saw Nerris running up to him.

"Nerris?!" Max said. Glen looked at Max.

"You know her?" He asked. Max nodded as Nerris ran over to him.

"Since when do you go here?" She asked excitedly.

"Since today." Max shrugged.

"Cool makeup, not many guys here wear makeup, actually I think you're the only one." Nerris said.

"Thanks." Max said.

"Are you exited? Who do you have first period?" Nerris bombarded Max with questions.

"I have Mr. Arkens." Max said remembering his schedule, which he had in his pocket.

"No way." Nerris said. "So do I!"

"Oh cool! Glen who do you have?" Max asked.

"Uh not Mr. Arkens I know that, you two have fun with him though." Glen said. They all went to their lockers. After Max put his bag away and got his binder and notebook he walked to his first period. As he walked into class he looked around and saw other people from camp. Preston, Harrison, and Pikeman.

"Max?!" They all said simultaneously.

"Since when do you go here?" Harrison asked. Max walked over and sat near them.

"Since today, I just moved here with-" Max caught himself, he didn't want them to know he of all people was living with David. Let alone that David was now his Dad. Nerris walked in as the four talked.

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