Chapter 18: It.

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School had been really lonely without Max, for everyone. Preston didn't have anyone to run lines with, the group he hung out with sat in silence every lunch. Glen stopped showing up to school, he spent every day at the hospital, he didn't want Max to wake up alone. David came to the hospital every day after work, and Preston, Harrison, and Nerris came after school everyday to tell Max about their days. Glen sat next to Max's cot quietly, waiting for him to open his eyes. But he never did, he just lay motionless.

Every so often Nikki and Neil would come to the hospital, Nikki's mom and Neil's dad moved in together, forcing the two to live together.

Max's hair and nails started to grow long, he was getting skinnier then he was before. Everyone grew more worried as time went on. Things in Max's room had layers and layers of dust on them.

Still, everyone tried to stay positive, they told themselves that Max would eventually wake up, that he was strong enough to wake up. But what if he didn't, what if they had to pull the plug, or Max finally accepted the figure's offer.

Max watched from above as his friends told them about their days, he wanted to go back to them, but couldn't. The figure returned again.

"Are you just going to keep coming back?" Max snapped at it.

"I'm afraid so." It let out a kind hand. Max sighed, he looked back at himself, Glen sitting next to his bed, David reading in a chair close by.

"What happens if I go with you?" Max asked.

"I don't think I can tell you." It said. This was the first time Max and It had a full conversation. It's hand still stretched out in front of Max. Max stared at it.

"Look, you're cool but I just want to see my family again." Max said. He stared at It's hand. He heard a soft whispering. It was Glen, he couldn't make out what he was saying. The closer he got to accepting the figure's hand, the colder he felt.

"Eventually you will give in." It mumbled distortedly, then it evaporated. Max sighed.

Maybe next time I'll get answers.

Max thought to himself.

Maybe I can figure out how to get back.

Max decided to see what would happen if he tried to get back through the vision. He reached his hand out, towards himself, maybe he would fall into his body. The figure came back.

"You're longing." It said. Max turned towards it.

"Why are you keeping me here? Why can't I just go back." Max asked.

"You wanted this, you did this to yourself." It said, it was losing composure. It collected itself and reached out it's hand. It was right, Max asked for this without asking. "Actions speak louder then words, just come with me."

"Answer my questions." Max shot back. The figure reached it's hand out further. Max stared at it.

"You know I can't." It said, trying to keep it's voice calm. Max turned back towards the vision. He turned back to the figure and reluctantly walked towards it, he felt it's energy become exited.

"Let me go. Let me go back." Max said sharply. The figure grew taller. Max backed away but kept his tough composure. Max stared up at it. It shrunk back down and held out it's hand like nothing happened. He wanted to be back in his life, not watching it from the sidelines. He took the figure's hand, suddenly everything went white. He didn't feel anything, he could hear though. He heard panic, and a loud long beep. He tried to turn his head around but he couldn't move, you can't move if you don't exist anymore.

A long loud beep. Glen looked up at the heart monitor, his heart dropped. His eyes widened and he shook Max. He was cold.

"No, no, no, no, no." Glen said quietly. People came rushing in. They pushed Glen out of the room, he had tears streaming down his face.

"CLEAR." Max heard. A painful surge plowed through him. The loud beep continued. Five seconds later, "CLEAR" Another surge. Suddenly he started coughing. He could barely breath. He felt something get pulled out of his mouth. He coughed more. He sat up quickly and looked around, his eyes not adjusted to the bright lights. He took in a hundred shaking breaths.

"Max!" Glen yelled and hugged him. Max sat back in shock. He felt Glen cry into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around Glen.

Max tried to speak but couldn't, his throat was dry. Glen eventually let go. His eyes adjusted and he saw Glen staring at him.

"I missed you so much." Glen said, he had tears running down his face.


Hi! Sorry this chapter was so short, after this one there is going to be about two more chapters! Also tysm for all the kind comments their really keeping me pushing on this story, I'm starting school tomorrow (tuesday Sept 7) so the story may take longer to finish -Finn

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