Chapter nine: End of camp.

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Max woke up late. The next day was the last day of camp. He wasn't prepared to go into foster care but he agreed to it. What if his father tried to take him? No that wouldn't happen. He walked out of his tent and to the Messhall. David told him that he might not be able to take his cat which hurt. Max sat down at the same table as Neil. Some campers had already gone home. Nerris, Ered, Dolph, and Nikki.

"Max are you exited?" Neil asked. Max shrugged. "Come on your going to a new home and everything."

"I'm kinda nervous about that. David said that I might not be able to have Bat anymore. And what if something happens." Max leaned on Neil.

"Well I mean you never know who is going to take you in." Neil said and smiled.

"You're acting weird." Max said.

"Am not!" Neil said and laughed. "I'm just trying to get you to feel better. I can tell your anxious."

Time skip cause I'm lazy.

Harrison hosted one last magic show and after that Preston hosted a play. Neil and Max sat close together. After Preston's play everyone was sent off to bed.

Max layed awake in bed staring at the ceiling. Tomorrow he was going to go with a random family.
What if this is a ploy for your father to get you back.

Max kept staring at the ceiling ignoring the voice.

You know you're just a burden.

He had been clean for so long. He wasn't going to ruin that now. He stared at the ceiling hugging Mr. Honeynuts. He felt tears run down his eyes. He didn't want to leave camp yet. He wasn't ready. Eventually he drifted off to sleep.

Max woke up early the next morning. He tried to fall back asleep but there was no use. He stared at the clock for a few minutes.

"Good morning campers!" David yelled outside. Max groaned and threw his pillow over his head. He heard footsteps walking over to the tent. "Boys you have to get up, everyone needs to pack their things."

"We get it camp man." Max said. He stood up and walked over to Neil's bed. "Neil get up we have to pack our things." Neil opened his eyes and groaned. Max held out Neil's bag.

"Can't we eat first." Neil asked taking his bag from Max.

"Camp man said that we have to pack now. Apparently one of us is leaving early." Max said. He walked back over to his bed and started to pack his things. After a few minutes both of the boys were all packed. They walked out of their tents. A black car was sat in the driveway for the camp. David walked up to the two.

"Max go say goodbye to everyone that's for you." David said. Max turned back into his tent and grabbed his bag. Max started to walk back. Neil stopped him with a hug.

"I love you Max." Neil said. Max hugged back.

"I love you too." Max said. Neil let go and wrote something on his arm. Max looked at it for a minute.

"That's my phone number, you can call me whenever." Neil said. Max laughed. He was probably going to have a ton of numbers on his arm. He walked over to the Mess hall.

"Everyone I'm leaving come say goodbye." Max said. He walked over to each person one by one and said goodbye.

"Bye Max see you next summer." Harrison said and smiled. Max handed him a pen.
"You can write your number on my arm if you want." Max said. Harrison did so. Max hugged him for a quick second and moved on to the next person.

"Bye Max!" Space kid said smiling. Max handed him a pen and told him that he could write his number on his arm if he wanted. Space kid did so.

Max did the same routine for everyone there. Everyone wrote their numbers on his arm. He walked outside to the car. Gwen and David stopped him and smiled. They did a group hug and.

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