Chapter four: Snitch.

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"Max, I'm sorry." Neil said quietly. Max's heart was pounding out of his chest.

"I trusted you asshole." Max said, he was angry. "I can't believe I trusted you."

"It's not his fault Max." Gwen said.

"It's not his fault? Then who's fault is it Gwen?" Max said.

"We noticed you were acting weird so since you share a tent with him we asked him what was up." Gwen explained.

"And you told them? YOU SWORE! You couldn't keep one thing to yourself?" Max said almost breaking into tears.

"I'm so sorry." Neil said. "Please don't be mad."

"We called your parents." David said.


"Max I-" Neil started.

"YOU FUCKING SNITCH! I TRUSTED YOU! I CANT BELIEVE YOU RIGHT NOW!" Max yelled. He could barely stay standing.

"Their coming Saturday." David said quietly.

"Tell them it was a misunderstanding please David please, tell them not to come." Max begged.

"I can't just do that." David said. "I already called." Max fell on the floor and started crying.

"You don't understand." Max said quietly. Neil sat down next to him.

"Max this was a big deal I had to tell them." Neil said softly.

"You could have told them anything. You could have said that I had been having nightmares and thats why I was acting weird, that wouldn't have even been a lie." Max said still crying.

"Why don't you want to go home Max?" Gwen asked softly.

"I can't say they- he-" Max struggled to talk. All the memories of his parents came rushing back to him.

"Max?" Neil said. Max cried and leaned against Neil.

"I don't wanna go. You can't make me go." Max said sobbing.

"Why not?" Neil asked.

"Why would I trust you?" Max said.

"I already ruined everything. What more damage could I do?" Neil asked. Max took a deep breath and wiped his eyes.

"Since you really wanna know," Max started. "If I go home, I already know what's going to happen. They are going to take me home and throw me in the closet, or he will hit me. Or maybe if I'm lucky they will pour hot water over my head and send me to my bedroom." Max said trying not to cry harder. David and Gwen looked at each other.

"Max?" Neil said he was trying to keep from crying.

"It's too late now, thanks Neil." Max said and walked out of the Mess hall and to his tent.

He did it to get rid of you.

"Fuck off this is all your fault." Max said to the voice. He grabbed his bear and cried into it.

Oh come on Max why don't you listen to me anymore.

"Maybe because you ruin everything."

Are you saying that to me or yourself.

The voice became distorted. Max tried not to yell at the voice, it took everything in his power not to.

Come on Max, listen. He told them to get RID of you. He doesn't CARE.

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