Chapter 1- Midgardian

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--While reading this Wattpad I have made a playlist so that you can listen to suited music whilst reading this.
Spotify username: harmonyhunter

*second person pov*

in the avengers' tower. Seated next to Steve Rogers a.k.a Captain America and on your other side was Natasha Romanoff a.k.a black widow

*y/n pov*

I felt there was tension due to me sitting in between Steve and Natasha, having being lock in the avengers' tower for 2 years to be 'protected' I did pick up on things. Also any time I see Natasha I get deja vu but I'm not sure why.

Tony entered the room, He walked to the top of the table clicking this fingers to grab our attention.

"y/n, Peter ?" Tony called out our names, I hadn't a clue why  "you are the only ones who haven't met these guys properly"

Peter's eyes widened, he knew who was coming.

"I must warn you y/n we have had a little bother with one of the brothers in the past" Tony warned me.

'Brothers' I thought to myself.

"MMrStark when are they coming" he sounded like a little kid.

"Just a moment" he answered the excited little kid.

*second person pov*

You sat waiting for the mysterious 2 that were to enter the room any moment.

You shook your leg, you tapped your finger and stared over to the door not letting your eyes off

the sound of leather and rubber boots echoed down the halls, it's all your ears could focus on or what sounded like one was weighed down by chains

The turn of the door handle made your heart sink and filled my stomach with butterflies, no reason for it to but something behind the door set it off

From behind the door came a bleached blonde haired man, with silver armour and a red cape

You turned to Peter to see the excitement on his face.

"Hey I am Peter-Peter Parker" Peters words were all jumbled up into one

"Thor" he smiled and took Peters hand with a firm grip and shook.

*y/n's pov*

As Peter and 'Thor' shook hands and talked a little, all sound was drowned out again. I looked all around the room till my eyes met a raven-haired man, which chains around his wrist and his neck and he wore a mask around his mouth. I guess it where his brother, unlike Thor he wore green and gold and his eyes were emerald green. I looked him in the eyes all until the blonde man broke my stare.

"Thor" his voice was deep and muttered.
He took my hand a placed a gentle kiss on my right hand, I blush

"I heard, I'm y/n"

"M'lady" he turned to his brother "this is my brother Loki"

'Loki' I repeated the name in my head.
I turned to see everyone else's expression, no one was too pleased by his presents.

I turn to Steve and whisper in his ear "what's wrong with this Loki guy"

"He attacked new York with an alien army to rule Earth" Steve answered me in a vague but self-explanatory way

"What !? That was him!?" I yell out. "Sorry" I turn to him again "why is he here"

"He has nowhere else to go"

I turn back to him, he hadn't broken eye contact with me.

stepping away from my seat at the table, I began to walk.

"Y/n ??" Tony said my name but I didn't answer him.

I walk to the raven-haired man.
"Lady y/n, stand back"

*second person pov*

You ignored Thor's warning, you reached him, he was much taller than most, He looked down on you as you were less than him. You raise your hand slowly and push the button on the side of the mask.

Everyone sat back and done nothing about it just stares and glares.

You felt like the whole world stopped when looking into the eyes of Loki.

Tony took your hand and pulled you away, as the distance grew between you and Loki he nodded at you which you guest meant to hank you for giving him the will to speak.

"you killed my friend" Tony tugged on your arm even more "her name was- her name was Spencer and you killed her"

Thor approach Loki and was about to return the mouthpiece on Loki

"Thor !" You shake from Tony's grasp, and grab the mask from Thor's hand and take it with me to my room leaving the avengers to question my behaviour.


This is not part 2 to mon ceur est a toi, that will be getting written and published soon xx

Any questions or confusions about this book or My last book just comment/texted me on wattpad, Instagram or TikTok

-Harmony x

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