Chapter 7- RR04

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*Y/N's pov*

"y/n wake up" Bruce's face appears from the flashlight shining into my eye "y/n are you with us"

"I'm- I'm here" I alert him to stop shining the light into my eye.

"Can you sit up for me?" Bruce asks as I nod as a response. "Okay" he supports me as I lift myself upright. "We have questions to ask you"

"Like what," I ask as I rub my eyes.

"RR04" Natasha speak up

"How... How did you guys find out"

"You collapsed, Loki brought you here for tests after the bombing-" Tony informs me on what had happened


"yes," A tall raven-haired man walks into the lab.

I don't even think to say thank you, my eyes just got lost in his and my mind sidetracked from the question Natasha asked me.

"y/n?" She broke my stare "We need you to talk, Where you part of the red room."


"y/n" Natasha Walks over towards me and wraps her arms around me holding me tightly. "I'm sorry, sister that I never came back to find you" Natasha whispered into my ear, She then lets me go and runs out.

*Natasha's pov*

Tony comes cashing after me calling me name until I stopped running.
"Natasha, you have to help me understand. I don't know the red room like you or y/n please help understand"

"In the red room," I sit on the nearest chair possible "we were all like family, but we knew it wasn't real" I take deep breaths "Yelena and y/n were my sisters, even know we weren't biological we still were sisters"

"Okay, anything I need to know," Tony asked me

"She was dangerous, she could mirror any fight, she learnt way too fast. One day Dreykov her real father, he told us there was an accident, and that she was missing. we thought her dead." Tony sits by my sit "I didn't realise it was her, and I don't think she remembers me" 1 tear falls from my eye and Tonys arm rap around me

"Well fix this" no answer "Natasha?"


*y/n's pov*

'Sister ?' Her face was similar to me I keeper picturing her with blue hair for some reason, tho I do not recall having a sister only a brother...

"y/n are you okay?" Bruce asked with a jump from his chair and rushing towards me "you look pale"

"yeh um, I'm just thinking I'm fine" There was only one way I could get my father off my back but Bruce could not be here to see "Bruce, could um-  you grab my phone I need to make a quick call. I um left it in my room??"

"Yeh yeh sure" Bruce walks out of the room

"Loki give me your dagger or a scalpel anything"


"Just do it!"

He holds out his hand, and in among green magic, a dagger appears.
"Why do you-"

Before Loki could get all his words in, I cut him off by stabbing the Dagger into my thigh, I don't let out a single cry as the blade enters my leg.
"Y/N" Loki attempts to take the dagger back.

"LOKI, it's fine. Just um- take my hand please" my breaths became heavier as the blade went deeper "please"

Loki takes my hand and watches as I slice through my skin.

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