Chapter 10- Kiss me Again

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Warning: This Chapter isn't bad it's just there is a small bit that may be sensitive for some people.

*second person pov*

As soon as you reach your room you passed out on the bed with your dress and makeup still on.

-morning 7:24-

You'd woken up an hour ago laying in the same position staring at your ceiling, many knocks or your door but each one you asked them to go away.

-morning 9:15-

You hear another knock this was the first in a while "please I don't wanna talk to anyon-"

"It's me, Peter" Peter only comes to your room when he or someone is in trouble

"Peter!?" You get out from your bed pulling the skirt of your dress down and waddle to the door and open it. "What the hec-" my eyes widen "how did you"

"Well, when you left I had Peter talking to me for the next hours till 2 am so I picked up on a few things." He laughs "hey I'm pe-peter Parker"

"omg stop that weird and creepy how you can do that" you start to walk back to your bed

"Here for the hangover" Loki threw you over some aspirin, you turn to catch the box before hitting you in the head.

"Thanks" you look at him confused whilst taking the painkillers with the water on your bedside table.

"I'm gonna go now" Loki awkward stood pointing his way out


"Yes!" Excited that you said his name

"Are we ever gonna be back to how things were"

"I don't know what you mean" Loki enters your room and closes the door behind him

"Less awkward"

"Well a famous written once said, the course of true love never did run smooth" Loki walks closer to you, you could feel his warm breath on your face

"That was highlighted red" you spoke in a whisper

"I know" Loki slowly comes closer and closer.

"y/n!!" Peter comes barring in "oh Mr Loki I- I am so sorry" Loki growled at Peter "um- y/n we need you outside"

"Why what's wron-"

"We think it's um- I think it's sergeant James barns"

"Who!?" You started to become impatient with Peter

"The winter soldier"

your heart sunk, Loki watched you as a tear filled the corner of your eye, you grab the black joggers sitting on your desk chair putting them on, turning away from the boys you pull your dress up and over your head leaving your back completely exposed. You felt eyes on you "come on guys turn around" you scoff as you grab your vest and hoodie
then you rush past Peter and rush outside with the only chance in 2 years to be outside just to meet your brother's murderer again.

As you pushed open the main doors running by the people on the streets only to find the avengers suited up and the winter soldier standing there in front.

"Y/n why are you here get back inside-"

"Natasha dont" you push your way past Tony and Steve in a panic "do you remember me" you shouted across to him "Do you remember my brother, my blood on your hands along with his" the soldier stood still not speaking a word

Next thing you know Hydras minions attack everyone but you leaving them distracted. "My mission is you" the soldier spoke in a whisper


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