Chapter 14- For Dreykov

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*y/n's pov*

I managed to sneak away from James after he'd fallen asleep of boredom from Peter show, one person after another dying in every episode. I had convinced myself I could go out for a walk and be back by the time he awoke. I raced down the flights of stairs till I reached the bottom of the tower only to feel as if id been freed. I speed up my walking till I could no longer see the Avengers tower clearly. Taking one big deep breath of relief I continue to walk on.

*third-person pov*

She reached into her pocket to lift out her phone seeing the time was 19:34, she lifted her head to the sky to feel a small drop of water on her head and to hear thunder from above. She smiled and walked on she took every minute in, she listened to the chatter of the old and young, the rain falling on her bare skin. The moment was soon ruined as she could feel someone watching, she could hear someone following her. Her steps speed up as does her breath, the person follower her almost clipping her heels. She started running. Pushes and shoving through the people of New York to lose them, the rain became heavier and the thunder was louder. The angry 'heys !' From everyone, she bashed into filled the streets.

She sneaks into an alleyway, catching her breath only for it to be cut off again, by a hand, She looks up to see a man in black and a small red pin pinned to his chest, with a mask covering his nose and mouth. She shrieks "take it off" Je raises his hand and pulls the mask from his face to reveal a familiar face shed known to stay away from "Wh- why" She still struggles and gasps for air and kicking he legs as he lifts her higher into the air and harder against the wall. "Pl-please"

"For Dreykov" his hand wrapped tighter around her neck blocking of all air from her lungs, just as her eyes filled with darkness and her legs stopped kicking. The man was shot dead on the floor. She feel to the group choking gasping for air.

"Next time you got for a wonder at least take someone with you" She heard Yelena's voice from the alleyway. She coughing for air yelena lifts you from the ground and supports you.

*at the tower*

"Bucky?" Thor entered the room where y/n was sitting "wake up" Thor harshly wiggled Buckys arm to wake him from his dream "where y/n"

Bucky still half asleep then spring from his chair "Shit" Loki Pushes Thor out the way and pushes Bucky to the ground

"You let her get away"

"Loki enough" Thor pulls Loki from Bucky "we will never find her by fighting each other" Thor holds out his hand for Bucky, Bucky's metal arm wraps around Thor's hand for support to raise from the floor.

"We need to um- we need to find her" Bucky said softly like Thor and Loki didn't know what was going on "she um"

"We know" Loki stood in the corner of the room.

*y/n's pov*


"What- what is it" I realise my grip on Yelena's shoulder and start running
"Y/N" I was panting down the streets of New York City barging by people knocking things from peoples hands then yelling sorry "Y/N WAIT" Yelena calls out my name over and over though I chose to ignore it, I reach into my pockets and grab my phone 20:57 was the time

"What the" it had been more than an hour, He's up I know he's up. I try unlocking my phone though the rain filled my screen. I wanted to call Peter to tell him I was okay that I'm alive. My only option was to run faster and hope James wasn't awakened, only a few more blocks "come on"

*Third Person Pov*

She dodged as many people as she could as she ran through the puddles and crowds, her breath was short and she was becoming restless. She could hear Yelena's voice still calling out her name.

She reached the tower, she swung open the door to feel the warmth and shelter of the Avengers Tower. A few moments later she could feel the chest of a familiar God, She had run into Loki as she turned the corner for the lift "y/n"

"Loki!?" Loki and her eyes connected, The raindrops ran down her forehead from her hair, then threw her eyebrows off her eyelashes which he caught. She grabbed his hands and twisted them back.

"Y/n calm down" Thor steps forward.

Yelena runs through the front door to see Loki and y/n eye to eye "this is not very good"

"You left"

"And now im back" Lokt attempts to take back his hand though she squeezes it harder "oawh"

"You didn't answer me"

"Trust me darling I tried to" She realised her grip from Loki and slapped him across the left side of his face.

"Don't call me darling" she purposely barges past him his eyes followed her movements to the life.

As she stood awkwardly waiting for the doors to shut She looked into Loki's eyes and saw a small tear as he mouth 'I truly am sorry' before she could take one more step the elevator doors closed and the contact was broken.

She stands empty in the elevator swaying to the classical piano music playing in the lift, She starts to break down and cry, she falls to the ground a places her hands in her head and starts to mumble to herself the word please over and over. She reached over to the buttons on the side of the elevator and pushes the Stop button.

Her heart sunk deeper into her stomach, and for a second it did not beat as she sat taking it all in and the tears fell effortlessly down her cheeks.

"Y/n" A voice startled her

"What the he-"

"Don't tell me to get out please just l-"

"What listen!?" She raises from the floor "why dont you listen!?!" She yelled at Loki

"Y/n I did, I did listen to an ever single word you had to say"

"And you still did nothing" she walked closer to him pushing him against the wall, banging on his chest "You did nothing!!!"

"I tried to please y/n-"

"No" she sniffs "I won't listen to you not anymore, go back be a prince, King or prisoner on Ass-gard, I'll go back to being a pathetic Midgardian"

"y/n pleas-"

"NO" Her voice startles him, and in a puff of green smoke he was gone and y/n was left all alone in the elevator only to hear Tony

"Are you stuck in there y/n"

She wiped her tears and sniffed before answering "no Tony im fine, I um" she kept messing up her words "I just had to have a break from everything"

"Okay but dont keep the lift break ok too long or the alarms will go off"

"Yup, be out in a minute"

She took one deep breath and realised the elevator break

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