Chapter 8- you can tell me

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Warning: this chapter does include suicide and the loss of a family member, I tried not to go into detail cause I didn't wanna make anyone read that xx.

*second person pov*

Morning came.

Your whole day was planned out by Peter who was jumping to start training with me today, but all was set back by my shoulder and leg wound.

Loki had left a crutch by the side of your bed. You kinda hoped that he was your crutch again, you couldn't remember much from yesterday but you remember his touch and his hand wrapped around your waist.

Getting dressed wasn't much of a problem, those stairs were. The lift still wasn't fixed...

"Damn it" you throw your crutches to the floor and fall against the wall

"Anything I can help will love" The raven-haired man had returned to your room

"Yeh a lift down 3 flits of stairs," you say sarcastically, before you could laugh about it some more you were being supported by Loki. "I was kidd-"

"I'm not"

Loki starts to walk towards the top of the stairs.
"Hold on"

Not a single step down the stairs, you just magically appear in one of the living rooms that wasn't affected by the bombing.
"than-thank you" you were still in shock at what happened.

*y/n's pov*

I stumble over with my crutches to the coffee maker in the corner of the room. Trying to subtly look back to see Loki's whereabouts. Why was he being like this, did he just feel pity and feel bad for the girl that had a psycho father, drunk guardian, a dead brother, a mother that committed suicide.

"I do feel bad for you y/n, and I do pity you"


"Shhh" he silenced me, he stood from his seat "that's not the reason for my behaviour"

"What... What is then" I became nervous as Loki started to walk closer and closer to me

"Loki!" A voice calls out lokis name, Loki turns and steps away only to reveal that it's Natasha. "I need to talk to y/n"

"Be my guest" Loki sit back onto the sofa.


"no" he lets out a simple answer. Natasha rolls her eyes whilst I let out a small giggle at Lokis behaviour.

"Sit down y/n" she was serious, my smile quickly dropped. Loki sat up straight waiting for what natasha wanted to say. I stand from the coffee maker and pull out the seat across from natasha and a seat from Loki.

*second person pov*

"Have you ever spoken to a professional about everything you've been through"
Natasha turned to you as she asked away

"y/n?" Loki called my name.


"y/n have you ever spoken up"


"Y/n you know"

"you know I dont really know, because as soon as everyone in this tower" you stand from a chair and start talking with your hands "found out that I have no reproductive organs and a shit past everyone keeps thinking that they can help or that they know everything!"

"y/n please calm down" Loki grabs your wrists and twirls you round "y/n sit down and listen maybe talk"

You do a Loki says.

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