Chapter 3- Take my Hand

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*y/n's pov*


My eyes open to darkness, my face was pressed into my pillow, I grunt and roll around in my bed stretching. looking down onto my pillow and saw small wet marks from tears that were from the previous night.

The words that Loki spoke about me, his words just kept popping back into my mind. Why for a second did I give him the satisfaction.

'Shake of' I tell myself.

So I head down to Tony and the rest of the hero's.

As I walk down the corridor,  I was being followed; that much was for sure because I could feel it. Exactly what I could feel, I don't know but I knew it wasn't friendly and it wanted something, so I speed up my walk I turn towards the direction at which I felt the mysterious presence coming toward me, I glance behind me to see a raven-haired man dressed in green.

My steps speed up more and more though Loki was still right behind me like I was walking on a treadmill I didn't feel as if I was going forward, I met the meeting room as did Loki.
"Nice of you guys to join us an hour late" Tony comes walking around the corner with a concerned looked plastered on his face

I see everyone staring at the two of us, smirks, frowns and confused looks wherein everyone's faces.
"Wait you guys" I scoff loudly, "you thought, you think !?" And laugh a little whilst I go to sit down "no, no definitely ! not"

'Does everyone think that I would do that the thought kept crossing my mind through Tony's talks?

*Tony's pov*

"Hydra" Steve spoke "Hydra has returned with a much stronger army including" Steve stopped and paused "Bucky" he clears his throat "Sargent James Barnes"

As Steve managed to slip the information out of his mouth I could see   y/n wasn't in the right state of mind for some reason I don't know of.
"Hey kid" I whisper over to y/n "hey"

She shot her head up quickly whilst flinching.

"Our task is to destroy Hydra" whilst Rogers spoke y/n sat still in shock, She had the same look on her face when I first found her on the streets of New York

----Back to when you were 15----

*y/n's pov*

I placed the used plastic cup in front of me and slid down the wall, to preserve heat in my body I grabbed my knees to my chest and breathed into my dead frozen hands, the fingerless gloves didn't do much.

Each day I'd watch the cars go past and not stop, I'd watch the people in suits with cases stop, stare then walk. I'd cry for help each day, and now I realise that if I didn't go home I'd have to sit and watch those people drive/walk by today after day.

I didn't feel like a person anymore, I felt like I were an ant that a kid would avoid standing on cause they'd feel bad.

*second person pov*

You sat with your head down, the squeak of car breaks grabbed your attention, you turn to look to see a long black limo that had just been freshly painted or just treated with care.

The door swings open and a man in a suit steps out, he wore a blue pinstripe suit, shiny shoes and orange glasses and his beard was done. He approached you,
"Hiya kid"

You didn't answer, he sat down beside you not caring about his freshly ironed suit.

"Can you tell me your name"

"y/n- y/n l/n"

"Okay y/n I'm Tony, Tony Stark. where's your fam-"

"Gone" you cut him off not wanted to bring up the topic.

"Right sorry" he looked at my arm "where are they from" he slowly reached for my arm to get a better look

"My past" his hand trailed my arm

"Glass ?"

"How did you-"

"There's still some in there" he smiled at you softly "come with me, you'll love it"

He held out his hand and waited for yours to take it.

*back to normal time*

*Loki's pov*

Tony's sharp voice indented another memory into her brain, her hand was shaking rapidly, she did not blink once. No one else noticed apart from Stark and me, She had an intense feeling of fear or extreme nervousness that I want sure how I felt but it was strong her feelings of terror and apprehension occur because of the Father.

The images going through her head was of her father, the day she first was abused, the day she was taught to deal with pain, the day she ran away, the day won't found her.

I slowly moved my chair closer to hers.
"y/n" I speak out her name in a soothing voice. "Think of something else" as much as I tried to calm her from her panic it was useless.

Tony saw me attempt to help y/n at this moment, and I didn't care if it was a sign of weakness that he could use against me in the future but I cared for this Midgardian and I haven't the slightest reason why.

She was weak, emotional, broken and well human...

I reached out for y/n's shaky hands
"Take my hand y/n" I held hers firm in mine until she calmed.

Once her breathing was down and she was not in fear.

She shot up "excuse me"

She left the room quickly, but as she left she didn't take her eye off me.
"Y/N" Steve called his name before she got far. "Remember-"

"I know I have to stay here" she rushed her words as she runs to the other wing of the tower.

"Tonight guys, this is important that we all know what we have to do" Steve continues his speech as y/n runs of.

I go to stand from my seat then get a hand gesture from Stark telling me to sit back down and to leave her alone.

'Was this normal?, why do I care so much for this girl?"

Thor broke my thought chain "brother, you will not be joining us tonight. Can we trust you ?"

"I can assure you brother, I'll be on my very best behaviour" ignoring Tony's gestures I stood up and walked out for the meeting room.

When I was walking back to my room, all I could think about was this Midgardian that has somehow got me to care for her.

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