Chapter 6- Labs

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*second person pov*

The hero's found themselves in a great deal of panic. They flew and ran to the wreckage that ruined the Avengers tower

The heroes stood in shock staring wondering what had happened. "guys!! over here" as they run to Natasha's callings she stands with a torn piece of a blue shirt.

"over here to" Steve holds up a bigger torn piece of leather "is it lokis"

they stood starting at both pieces of material that were founded throughout the dust and rubble.

"shit" Tony starts running down the corridors dodging the bent and broken pipes, next was Thor.

they run to your and Loki's room, only to see that you were resting in bed and Loki was reading.

Thor charges at Loki, throwing his book against the wall and lifting him up by the neck and slamming him up by the wall "WHAT DID YOU DO"

"I- tho" Loki's breath was caught short as Thor squeezed tighter and higher up the wall, his legs banging of the wall in an attempt to escape.

*y/n's pov*

I awake to the sound of banging against the wall in the room beside mine

Standing from my bed, ignoring that my vision was going black and my head was spinning. I barge my way through Tony that had just appeared in my room
"thor, shit" I race through to Loki's room.

*second person pov*

"THOR" your voice caught Thor off the guard as you stumbled into Loki's room "put him down, it wasn't- it wasn't him" Tony comes rushing after you and stand from afar.

Thor does as you wish, he drops Loki down and watches him drag his body away from him. "then who was it"

"um-" you started to get nervous as Thor approaches you with a displeased look plastered on his face, "I think- I think" your words began to become quieter and quieter and your legs couldn't hold you anymore. Thor attempts on catching your fall but before he got even close you felt a familiar hand around your waist and catching your head.

"get her to labs !" Tony directs Loki out the door carrying you in his arms.

"Shouldn't I go instead of him-" Thor's voice was disgusted and confused that Tony let Loki take you, that he trusts Loki instead of him

"Thor doesn't start with me" Tony points out Thors pettiness

As Loki walks down the corridor you begin to awake, you could only see the silhouette of the raven-haired "What- happe-"

"hush now, you'll be okay" Loki silenced you. You start to doze off again in his arms.


"Loki !" Bruce was always scared of Loki, though Loki was scared of Bruce's Mr Hyde "lay her down on the bed" Bruce kept his distance whilst Loki placed you on the bed. "your gonna have to um leave now whilst I dI some test's"

"Bruce" Loki scoffs at Bruce "if you're kicking me out because your scared of me, trust me your at the bottom of my list of people id like to kill" Bruce gives Loki a small nod as he walks to your unconscious body.

"has she been in and out of consciousness since um-"

"the bombing, yes she has. do you know what's wrong with her"

*Bruce's pov*

if I didn't know Loki any better, it seemed Loki was starting to care. "I'm sure it's nothing but I'll um run some tests" Loki stays standing by y/n's side looking down on her with a concerned look on his face "Loki she will be okay" he takes a look at me from the other side of the table and walks out, He must have released that he's letting y/n get to him.

*2 hours later*

-your still unconscious-

*Still Bruce's pov*

"Anything !?" Tony enters the lab

"no nothing" my tone wasn't convincing to Tony

"Why aren't you happy there is nothing wrong with her right" I don't know how to reply "Bruce talk to me"

"how much do you know about y/n" I was always curious where Tony had picked up y/n

"what do you mean, I told you she was alone dying on the streets"

"did you ever ask about her past" my questions became pushier and pushier

"yeh, her father. her father was a drunk and her mother is dead and um... Her brother was murdered.

"Any other siblings don't have to be biological"

"what ?" tony didn't catch on as I wanted him to, I couldn't say it unless it was not true and id just labelled y/n without knowing the truth.

"call Natasha to tell her to come down here and quickly" as tony calls Natasha, I go over my findings to double-check if I was correct.

*Tony's pov*

*on phone*

"Hey Natasha we need you down here in labs it's urgent" I alert Nat in the briefest way possible so no questions were asked cause not even I could answer

"on my way" and no questions were asked.

As Natasha makes her way down I found an opportunity to ask Bruce some questions.

"Bruce are you gonna tell me what's wrong, should I get everyone to suit up-"

"what no !" he snaps at me "it's not that kind of problem but it may lead to that, that's why we need Natasha"

"I'm here boys" Nat enters the room smiling, and I get a feeling that her mood is about to drop rapidly "you guys look serious"

"Natasha" Bruce slowly approaches Nat "this may be just a coincidence, I hope it is"

"Bruce you are scaring me"

I watch from afar, eager for the answer

"she doesn't have a uterus, no reproductive organs"

"what ?"

'Why would we need Natasha for this' i thought to myself

"and on her hip, she has a tattoo that says um..rr04 you don't think it"

"the red room 2004" I could barely hear Natasha tho I could still make out what she said

"Red room?" I question.

*Natasha's Pov*

"There was a girl when I was in the red room. She trained harder, had a gift, learnt quicker and graduated earlier much earlier " I walk towards y/n body and trace my hand over the tattoo on her hip. "After graduating they'd be a ceremony because she would learn faster than the rest she was the first from her group to have the surgery. To clear a path, and make it easier to kill, no distractions. To leave your love and your loving behind"

"Do you think y/n is that girl"

"I don't know, but without her walking up we won't know for sure."

"Bruce give her something to wake her up," Tony asked

"If I do that she may not-"

"Bruce! We need to know now" Tony snapped at Bruce, begging him to get the answers that we were both itchy to find.

"Okay okay," Bruce put the liquid on a towel and hovered it over your nose.

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