Chapter 16- I Wont Stop Looking

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*y/n's pov*

I awake, I go to reach to rub my neck from the needle hole however my hands were tied down. My waist, legs and wrists were wrapped with a rope around the chair. I hadn't quite got to the whole part of figuring out where I was.

Then it hit me, is seen this oak furniture someplace before, I had seen glasses that sat u pin the table in their case, and I knew the footsteps approaching me.
"Welcome home" the doors swing open, a man dressed in blue, rectangle glasses, white hair and a dodgy walk enters the room. I could hear my heart pounding out from my chest, my eyes watering at the sight of the man in front of me. "It's been a very long time," he talked through his smile, he bent down in front of me. His eyes staring right into mine "you shouldn't have run away" He speaks quietly, he moves closer to my hear, close enough he could probably hear my heart skipping beats "maybe your brother would still be alive" My heart didn't skip a beat this time, it sunk. He circled me, as I sat venerable tied to this chair.

*Loki's pov*

"How do we get her back?" I question.

"What do you mean, get her back?" Natasha turns to me to ask me a question

"How do we take her away from Dreykov, kill Dreykov!"

"Loki," She tells me take a seat and to listen carefully "I distorted the red room years ago and killed Dreykov before I became an avenger. I only discovered that I failed what I was met to do."

Yelena slides her chair over to join us by the table "now he as an army of widows,  and now he has y/n the best of us," if y/n was really the best of them wouldn't she be able to escape herself.

"Loki Bucky, there is no way we can find that red room, it's impossible im sorry." Natasha keeps her head down and avoids any contact with me.

"So that's it, you finally get your sister back and you give up on her just like that" Bucky breaks his silence, "You said you thought you killed him years ago" Natasha rises her head to make eye contact with Bucky "do it again, this time double check he is really gone. Yelena use that stuff you used to free me on the widows"

Buck's plan actually seems to appeal to Natasha and Yelena "excuse me for a sec" I stand and excuse myself from the room hoping that I could do something to speed this process up though I feel like she will not let me in, as she as lost my trust.

*second person pov*

Loki runs to his room in great motivation to save you, he shut and locked his door, closed the curtains and sat on the edge of the bed. He close his eyes and called out your name, There was no answer but he wasn't giving up.
The whispers of your name 'y/n' he called and sought for an answer
'Come on tell me where you are after a while of trying he was restless, the sun was no longer up, and the stars were out.

Loki left his room and went up every staircase till he got to the roof. He sat up upon the ledge of the building staring into the distance listing to the New York chatter and traffic. The opening of the door startled him "bucky what are you doing here" he does not answer him, he just sit a few feet away.

"Can you use your mag-"

"I've already tried" Loki grew irritated that his plan failed "it didn't work, she can't hear me" Loki's voice sounded hurt and Bucky picked up on that.

"You alright-"

"Buck, we are not friends" Loki turns to Bucky "you ruined y/n's life, you killed her brother you made her scared and I don't think I could forgive you for that and I know she most definitely has not" without hesitation Bucky stood from the ledge and makes his way back I side

He stops before closing the door.


"What!?" He snapped at Bucky

"I wasn't the one that got her up here to jump" Loki wasn't sure if it were the door slamming or his heart bursting. His eyes began to fill with tears, and hands covered the whisper that escaped his mouth.

'Loki' Loki could hear a faint voice

'Y/n!'  Loki dried his eyes in the excitement that he reached you.

'I can hear you, you didn't leave me hanging'

'Never again'


'What is it, love?'

'I'm scared, I don't know what's gonna
happen' your voice was breaking.

'Hey y/n, I will not stop looking for you'
You did not respond, but Loki got a sense of your smile.

'I need you to tell me anything that might help us find you'

There was a long wait until she answered 'Natasha will say something about it being of the radar' you keep taking breaks in between your thoughts, Loki could hear your heartbeat


'I'm fine, I don't have much time. On the radar, in the air' Loki couldn't hear the beat of your heart any longer 'Loki Loki only heard the crackles of your heart. 'IN THE AIR' you raised your voice 'LOKI'

'Y/n!? Y/N!?' Loki runs down to meet Natasha once again, completely ignoring the tensions and awkwardness between him and Bucky. "In the air"

"What?" Natasha turns from bucky to Loki.

"It's off the radar yes"

"Yes, but we don't know wh-"

"But that because we were looking around us, on the ground beneath our feet"

"Loki get to the point" Bucky gets uneasy

"I already said!"

"It's not on the ground" Natasha speeds to the door "it's above the clouds" she runs out the door yelling for everyone to follow.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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