Chapter 5- darling

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Loki places you on your bed, gently minding your wounds, he walks away from your still body and makes his way into your bathroom and to the shower.

He slowly turns the shower on.

Your ears drained out the sound of everything and focused on the sound of the pouring water tripping, and taps of the water hitting the synthetic plastic tub.

Loki enters your room again, slowly picking you up from your waist and throwing your hand around him like he was your crutch.

*lokis pov*

I supported her lifeless body into the bathroom where I'd turn the shower on to clean and care for her wounds from the rubel.
"y/n can you hear me," I asked her, she stood as if all the life from her was drained, the only movement on her face was her eyes had tears escaping them, which helped clear the dirt from her face.
"I need you to help me out here" what I was about to do felt wrong, and I didn't want to proceed.

I gently start to unbutton her shirt one button to the next, I threw the shirt into the corner. I slowly take small pieces of glass from her back. Not a flitch, I could feel the sting and it wasn't even in my back. I unclipped her bra
"Don't worry darling, I am not looking"

I bent to take her shorts off,
"Y/n, please-" I stuttered a lot whilst speaking "I need to you lift your leg for me" his leg was glued to the ground, I couldn't move it, I stand to make eye contact with her "you have to trust me, I don't know if you can hear me but please"

I bent to return to her leg "lift ?"
Her leg slowly raises from the ground, it started to shake as it got a few centimetres of the ground. "Good now next leg" same happened with her left leg.

She was completely exposed to my look, I tried my best to look away and respect her but she was beautiful.

I lift her into the shower/bath and leave her there.

*second person pov*

You stood completely still, the water poured down your bruised face, as did the tears it was hard to tell the difference between the 2, your head was spinning and your eyes returned to a similar black.

Loki sat on your bed hoping that life would return to your face and return to yourself again. As he sat still in panic and shock he heard a slip from the shower, before your head could smash against the tub lokis hand caught your head.

He sat you upright against the walls of the bathtub, he took off his leather boots and Asgardian armour and kept on his boxers.

He jumped in behind you and held you upright with one hand holding your waist and the other holding your shoulder. As the water filled your wounds he cleaned them out, and he removed the dirt that was within the patterns and creases of your skin.

Loki strokes your neck before gently tilting your head back into the water flow, rinsing the dust from your hair. He carefully applied the shampoo without getting anything else in your damaged eyes.

*lokis pov*

I carry her from out of the bathtub stand her up and wrap her in a towel and sit her in the bed.
"I'll be back" the clothes I wore before appeared back on my body

My eyes watch her as I go, I run down the corridors of the avengers' tower to find the nearest lab.

I return to y/n's room to see she has not moved, she was still sitting exactly as I left her.

"This may hurt a bit" approaching her with a needle and thread in my hand, I started to perform a running Web stitch I was taught when I was younger.

The needle pierces her skin then the fread follows, as the fread pulled her skin together she did not flinch once. Either she was used to being stitched up or she was still in shock and she wasn't coming out from it for a while. I finished up my stitching and lay her down on her head on her pillow And with a swipe of the hand I replaced her towel with one of my Shirts.

I couldn't read her thoughts, I couldn't feel what she was feeling it was as if she was dead.

Tho I could hear the flickering heartbeat come from her chest.

*second person pov*

After Loki lay you down to sleep he gets up and heads for the door

He turns with a sharp movement from the sound of your small voice.
"y/n!?" Loki pauses by the door.

"Tha- thank" your voice was unsteady, you were struggling to talk

"your welcome" Loki walks of in a great panic, leaving you laying in bed with thoughts of what he has done for you.

*y/n's pov*

My muscles were stiff, the lash out of my back didn't help that much, is been taught to deal with pain before.

----To when you were 9----

You came running into the apartment with deep a slash across your thigh. You cried and screamed for your father eventually he came stumbling from his office.
"Ah they finally did it"

You whisper for help

Your dad comes closer to you as you fall to the floor in pain.
"does it hurt"

You nod with a pathetic cry

"That's a shame" he holds my chin up but his fingers "now get up"


"But but but, GET UP" you stay down "GET THE FUCK UP Y/N"

you crawl to the nearest thing you could get to give support, your trial your leg to the coffee table as you rest your weight on it. Your father kicks it from you
"get up by yourself"

"I can't"



"I am trying to help you, do you think it's a happy world out there, WELL ITS CLEARLY NOT SO GET UP"

you stand up quicker than ever and try to ignore the pounding pain from the knife wound.

"This will help you for your future y/n" he places his hand on your cheek "the world will crush you if you don't get it together"

*back to normal time*

"I thought my dad was bad" a voice comes from my door, my vision was still hazy tho I could tell by the voice who it was. He reaches for the light switch

"He was-" my cough was uncontrollable at this point "he wasn't the worst"

He looked as if id lost my mind

"He taught me- he taught me everything I know" I manage to rotate my body to face the door facing "he trained me for this and I would have disappointed him that I didn't get back up myself"

"It's why you didn't flinch" Loki walks into my room "you can feel it"

"No, I can't"

"Can I ask you something y/n"

I nod, it was easier than speaking.

"Who was your father"

"A drunk, he wasn't my real dad." I take a big sigh "my real father he let me go"

"Okay" he reaches for the switch again "sleep now love"

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