Chapter 13- 24 hour watch

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You sat in the corner of the couch, Barnes on the other side. He didn't take his eye off you, he watched your small movements until Peter came back even then his eyes whereof you for only a few seconds. "I didn't know what else you needed" Peter comes to threw the door with a blanket, a pillow, the controller from the TV and some water. Peter passes everything to Bucky, Bucky then shuffles over beside you wrapping you in the blanket and placing the pillow behind your head.

*y/n's pov*

Before Bucky could sit back down into his seat, I lift my arm from out of the blanket and grab his arm giving myself a chill on how cold the metal was against my bare skin. "You can't tell anyone" I say bring him closer and whispering into her ear "you can't tell anyone about what I did" I couldnt stop my voice from shaking, I finally release my hand from Buckys.

"You have my word" Bucky doesn't return back to his seat but stays seated beside me

"What do you want on y/n?" A small voice from the other sofa shouted over.
I had never really watched anything before so I couldnt answer. Bucky gives Peter a small subtle look "I'll just put Grey's Anatomy on" I watched Peter flick through the many movies and Tv shows to reach this grey's anatomy show he was talking about.

The show begins, Peter didn't start from the start we were halfway through a season. halfway through an episode, I'd pretty much got to know all the characters.
'Have some fire, be unstoppable. Be a force of nature. Be better than anyone here, and don't give a damn about what anyone else thinks. You on your own, be your own.' Wise words Cristina Yang.

I stand from my small ball in the corner of the sofa, only to have the 2 boys stand with me. I throw my hands up and ask why "for reasons, I can't say y/n your on 24-hour watch"

"Where do you think I am going" Bucky throws his hands "im going to the bathroom, don't suppose you'll follow me in there to"

"I will if I have to" Bucky folds his arms with his legs far apart blocking the only way out of the room

"James, Bucky whatever you want to be called." I begin to walk towards him "You have been here only a few hours so stop acting like you run the place, That's Tony's job" I don't break my eye contact with him until he breaks and lets me go

Bucky starts down into my eyes"Peter go with her"

"Peter stay here"

"No Peter go with her"

"Peter! You move towards that door you are done"

"Peter go with y/n"

"don't!" Peter moved closer than further from the door and panic about who to listen to.

"Is that Tony call me" Peter puts his hands to his ear listening out "yip definitely is, bye" Peter scatters from the room.

"Are you going to let me go James, or will I been stuck in here with you for the next 22 hours" Bucky stands to the side opening my way out of the room.
"Thank you"

*second person pov*

You start heading down the corridor, watching your behind you to see Bucky following me "please stop following me"

"This was your own fault" he stays walking a few feet behind me. "This isn't the bathroom"

"Yes, it is" you stop at the door "it's mine" you open the door to your bedroom and to your bathroom. Bucky enters and sits himself on your bed.

"Don't try anything in there"

"What do you think im gonna do" you yell back at him before returning to whispering Loki's name. "Loki this is the last im speaking to you, I can't do it anymore, you are never coming back are you" you sit quietly tucked up in a small ball resting your chin on your knees

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