Chapter 11- I can not stay

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*second person pov*

"Loki I can't do this"

"What?" Loki Steps back from you

"No no not like that" you step towards with placing your hands on his cheeks "I can't do this when everyone knows, too much-"

"Your embarrassed your ashamed to be seen with a mons-"

"No! Don't say such a thing, I can't have everyone know I've gone soft. You and only and only you know"

"Nor can eye" he takes your hands and takes them to his lips, leaving a small kiss on your knuckle before leaving.

*y/n's pov*

"Loki wait" I call his name before h leaves "what is this we have"

"Whatever you dream it to be" He says with a smile before actually leaving, I felt warm inside and my cheeks returned to a red colour.

Before I got the chance to lay down after a long morning, I heard a knock at my room door. "Y/n come down we have something to talk about" Natashas voice came from behind the door, before I could answer she saw the shadow of her boots under the door and the sound of the heel getting further and further away. I opened my door and followed the sound of her shoes to one of the spare meeting rooms. I enter to see Natasha settling in over on the sofa, then a see a blonde girl over by the table
"y/n" Natasha speaks my name "do you remember her" She points over and the blonde girl that sat at the table, I turn to she the girl starting at me

"You've grown up" she speaks with an accent

"So have you" I pause " yelena"

---the first week in the red room as a child---

"Yelena, Natasha!??" You call out their names in seek to find them "come on guys" Your voice was high pitched and loud echoing through the corridors. Suddenly from the quiet dark corridors, a whistle came, you reply with one only to hear another from a different corridor. You start running down "I'm gonna find you!!"

Just as you were about to turn you felt a hand grasp tightly around your wrist "heyy!" You turn to see Dreykov towering over you

"Now now, what do you think you're doing" He bends down to have level eye contact "games? Really. I expected more from you y/n"

"It was just a little fun" you spoke whimpering and whispering

"Fun!!" He grabs you by the shoulder shaking to back in forth a few times "DO YOU THINK LIFE IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!!" spitting in your face, whilst tears fall from your eyes "Life is full of war and violence my dear child you must learn to fight and protect your self for this world we live in"


"Stop crying y/n you'll never get anywhere being that pathetic, do you understand" you give a small nod "good, now go to the training room ill find Yelena and Natasha" you run off leaving Dreylov to find them.

---back to normal time---
*second person pov*

"What did he do to you after he found you, what did he say" you ask them

"What are you talking about" Natasha walks over to the table to join you guys

"When we were children, the first week in the red room. We played hide and seek you 2 were hiding, before I could find you guys Dreykov found me first he told me that life was full of war and violence there is no room for fun I must learn to fight and protect myself"

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