Chapter 15- gone

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*Second person pov*

You walk out from the elevator with your head down watching your feet. You begin to walk down the corridor full of the heroes rooms, every time you'd walk be one you be sure to walk quickly so nobody hears or saw you.

As you got closer to your room, you heard Loki's door opening from the inside. In a panic you run into our room, slamming it and sliding down the other side of the door.

*Loki's pov*

As I turned to close my door I heard the slamming shut of y/n's door, I walk towards it and hear her heavy breaths.
'Please don't come to the door, please don't come to the door' she thought to herself over and over again. My knuckle hovered over the door 'please no' Here thoughts became louder and she repeated them faster.

I wanted all to respect her wishes and leave her kneeling at her door in pain, though my urge to apologize was stronger. "Y/n?" The only noise was her whimpers "Listen to me y/n, you have to open the door"

*second person pov*

His deep and calm voice travelled through the door.
"Loki I cant-"

"Y/n please, y/n open the door" the long wait till Loki heard the handle of your door turn. "Y/n?" Loki takes one step into the room "y/n!?" Confusion filled his voice as he panicked looking around your room "god damn it!" Loki sees the window open wide with a clear escape root.

"Loki!?" Bucky comes running "what is it I heard-" bucky sees Loki standing watching out from the window. Bucky scurries over pushing Loki out the way. "What happened!?" Bucky asked Loki hands moulded into fists. "Where fuck did she go Loki" he shoves Loki against the wall causing the photo frames to fall.

Before Bucky could blink Loki grabbed his jacket and kicked him to the ground "I don't know but I am going to find her" Loki let his grip go and begins to walk "are you coming or not" Bucky stood and clears his throat and give Loki a slight nod.

*y/n's pov*

I knew I couldn't talk to Loki, I knew the only way to avoid him is to hide. You can't hide in the avenger's tower, can you? I scuffed my feet along the pavement that soon turned into grass. Walking to the bench I watch my steps from various things, I wipe the wood down from the fallen leaves and slouch back on the bench. I reach into my pocket for my earphones and phone, to block out the chatter and traffic of New York.

Deep in my thoughts, filing with the wire of the earphones and swing my legs back and forth.

*second person pov*

Loki and bucky left the tower without hesitation, they ran through the crowds of new yorkers "was there a place she liked to go!?" Bucky yelled across to Loki

"No" Loki yelled over the crowds "she was barely allowed out of the tower, when she did leave so was attacked" not slowing down Loki and Bucky pushed everyone out of their way. Soon they reached a park "hey, Buck is that her?" Bucky stood by Loki's side I saw you sitting peacefully through the tram window.

"We can't get to her!" Bucky states the obvious.

"I will soon pass, these midgradian transport things not lost ever long" bucky looks up at Loki confused. "Wait"

"What, what is it?"

"Do you see that!?"

"What" Bucky struggling to get a view of the tram

"The man in the black suit"


A man dressed in black was creeping up on you, you were oblivious to what was going on behind you, the man reached into his pocket and brought out a huge needle.

Bucky and Loki screamed out your name though you could not hear due to the music playing. After a few more carriages of the tram passed the road was clear apart from still traffic "Y/N!" Loki yelled as he jumped over the various cars.

Though he was too late. Fewer carriages and they would have reached you in time. The 2 stood with their head in their hands and cursing that they lost you. Loki begins to walk from Bucky
"Where do you think your off to"

"We need Natasha and yelena, they know more about her than the both of us" Bucky runs to catch up with Loki. "By the way, I never did thank you,"

"For what?" Bucky questions.

"For saving y/n up on the roof"

"How- how did you kn-"

"I saw it all happening, I couldn't do anything since I was in my cell. She was calling my name I could hear her though she could not hear me, I could see her though she could not see me"
They walked in a hurry back to the tower in silence, Loki barged past the groups of agents to get to the elevator, Bucky following close behind. Once they had reached the floor Natasha and Yelena were on they ran down the corridors checking every room. "Bucky in here,"

"Ah Loki" Natasha swings around on her chair, and kicks her feet up on the table "what do you want"

"Y/n's gone!" Before Loki could speak, Bucky got right to the point.

"Gone!?" Yelena stands from her chair "what do you mean gone?"

"This guy-"

"Guy!?" Natasha kicks her chair and walks over to Bucky "tell me something did this 'guy' have a pin that looked like this" Natasha rummages in her pockets for a small pin.

"I-i I don't know, there was a tram"

"Damn it"

"Natasha let me see that," Loki asks, she walks to him and hands him the pin "yes, he wore one just like this. Though it was not red it was black." Natasha did not speak, she left the room still and silent. "Nat!? What his this"

"Dreykov, he's got her."

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