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(True Color spoilers ahead)

((Y/n)'s POV)

We've been in Amphibia for about a week trying to come up with some sort of plan. We've gone from trying to snap Marcy out of it, to asking Maddie about what could be possessing her, and we even went as far as trying to capture the king and make him tell us what he did to Marcy and how to reverse it. None of them worked, there was always something that could go wrong, and it's driving me crazy.

Anne and Sasha are currently trying to come up with a plan. I sneak out and decide to go for a walk. I try not to go too far, but I got lost in thought and ended up getting myself lost in the woods as well.

I just kind of walk around for a bit trying to spot something I recognize when I hear a rustling in a bush. I jump back startled and tripped and fell backward. I reach around unlit I find a large stick and point it at the bush. "C-Come out" Suddenly an arrow shot out of the bush and I was barely able to dodge it as it hit the tree behind me.

I stand up and look back at the bush see something starting to come out of it. I-It was Marcy but not at the same time. It was the possessed Marcy Sasha had described, "Oh no" I said under my breath

She laughs but it's not the light-hearted laugh that I've always known and loved. It was more of an evil laugh like she was mocking me "What's wrong darling? Not happy to see your girlfriend?"

"Darling?" Not once has Marcy ever called me darling she always rhymed my name with something or just called me (Y/n) and sometimes love. "Your not the Marcy I know!" I yell at the being in front of me.

"Aww, I thought you'd miss me? Guess not but hate to break it to you but I am the same Marcy I was months ago"

"No, you're not! The Marcy I know is still in there, and she's fighting. She's strong...stronger than you" I let my anger get the better of me and swing the stick at Marcy. She grabs the stick mid-strike and pushes it towards me. I fall backward and she's hovering over me with the stick the only thing separating us.

"Oh but darling the Marcy you knew is dead"

"No, she's not. She can't be...I love her too much to let her go" I gain some sort of strength and I'm able to push her off of me. " I won't let go...I will keep fighting to get her back and nothing is going to stop me"

Marcy freezes and shuts her eyes and holds her head. "(Y-Y/n)?" that's sounded like the Marcy I knew?


"(Y/n), love, I need you to listen to me. I can't keep control for much longer. You need to go back home it's not safe here."

"Open your eyes...How do I know you're not tricking me"

Marcy looks up and opens her eyes and there shifting between her normal eyes and the red one.

"I love you so much (Y/n), but you can't be here...you need to let me go"

I kneel next to Marcy "Marcy, you're not alone we are going to save you and I'll never leave your side again. I'm not ever going to let you go"


"I promise"

Marcy suddenly screamed and dropped to the ground unconscious. I hug her unconscious body tightly before getting up, ready to find my way back to Wartwood.

There was more rustling in the bushes and I grab the stick again. Out some Anne and Sasha. "Oh my god, what is with you and going...off...on" Anne's eyes look to Marcy's body

I look at Anne with a serious expression "We need to go now"

We all make our back to the Planter's house. Once the door shuts Anne looks at me "What happed out there? Was that Marcy? Why'd you run off again?"

"Anne one question at a time, please... I ran off because I was tired and stressed and went for a walk and then got lost. Marcy found and but she was possessed and said something the pissed me off and then I started talking about how I was never going to give up on Marcy and she fought it and gained control of her body. She told me to leave and that it wasn't safe here, screamed lost control, and passed out"

Anne looks to Sasha "So that's the scream we heard"

"But this means she's still in there but it got me thinking...If Marcy can take control means that whatever is possessing her isn't unbreakable. I bet if we found that and destroyed it, we'd be able to save her" I say as I stand next to Anne and Sasha.

"I bet anything that whatever it is, it's in the king's castle in Newtopia" Sasha joined the conversation.

"That's place is super hard to get into though so this is going to take some more planning" Anne and Sasha begin planing while I go out to the fwagon, which is where I'm currently sleeping, and take the hair clip out my hair and hold it close to my heart "I promise we'll be together again" I sighed and put the clip back in my hair and looked to the stars.

(King Andrias's POV)

I look at the Flipwart board in front of me and place a new game piece on the board. "So (Y/n) has joined the game...this could be proven useful...game on" 

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