Game Over

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(True Color Spoilers ahead)

(Sprigs's POV)

I woke up in the Fwagon which us strange because I dont remember falling asleep, Suddenly it comes back to me I was in the Fwagon because (Y/n) was here. I look around the Fwagon but she's nowhere insights but something on the table.

I hop to the table and it two letters and two photographs everything is clipped together with a familiar green hair clip. One letter was addressed to Anne and Sasha. The other was addressed so well I dont know. It's in a different language. It looks like what was on the temple walls. I think I should go get Anne.

I go to the house and head to the basement. Sasha is here to guess she spent the night. The two of them are talking and stop when I come down.

"Hey morning Sprig" Anne then had a look of worry on her face. I guess I was nervous and it showed. "What's wrong?"

"I think you both should follow me"

Sahsa and Anne look at each other than nod and I lead them to the Fwagon.

(Anne's POV)

Sprig lead us to the Fwagon I'm not sure why. Maybe (Y/n) came back but then why did he look so nervous. We walk inside and everything looks the same, nothing out of place just like it was left. In the corner of my eye, I spot something on the table.

I slowly walk up to it. There are two pictures. One of four friends having a fun time at the mall and the other of a young couple. All the forever smiling faces. attached to the pictures were two letters one had Sasha and my name on it. I pick it up and silently read it.

"S-she's gone" I whisper to myself as I finish reading the letter. I lose my grip on it and it falls to the ground.

Sasha picks up the letter and reads it silently. She puts the letter down when she's finished

"She's gone because of me," I say as I look at Sasha, she grabs my hands.

"Anne it's not your fault"

"She heard me yesterday," Sasha hugs me tightly and I start to cry into her shoulder. I look back down at the letter and notice something on the back of the page. "What?" I let go of Sasha and pick up the letter and read it aloud. "'I know this is not going to make sense till later but I need you to do one thing for me. Don't leave Wartwood or the Planter's house. When the next human knocks/walks through the door take the music box and go back to earth. Lay low for a bit but you can come back after a while. I hope to see you soon.'"

"I hope to see you soon? Does that mean we'll see her again?"

"I don't know Sasha but I hope but in the meantime the least we can do is follow the instructions, right?"

"Yeah" The three of us exit the Fwagon. I grab the other letter and the photos and Marcy's hair clip. We walk back into the house and sit on the couch. Sprig suggested watching Suspicion Island so I pulled out my phone and we watched it. Even Polly and Hop Pop came and watched it with us.

((Y/n)'s POV)

Joe landed within the walls of Newtopia. I tell him to stay low and hide. I get into the castle and through the tunnels. The sun was just about to start setting when I went underground. So when I make it to the Prophecy Keeper's chamber I see the king standing there waiting.

"Ah (Y/n) I was starting to think you were coming"

I have my arm crossed I don't really know if I'm doing it out of annoyance or nervousness, probably a little bit of both. He has such and smug look on his face and it angered me that he was enjoying this.

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