Final Boss

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((Y/n)'s POV) 

When I woke up this morning I felt nauseous so I ran to the bathroom in the Fwagon and puked into the toilet.  Hopefully, I didn't wake Marcy but my hopes were crushed when there was a knock on the door. 

"(Y/n) are you alright?" Marcy asked through the door. 

"Yeah, I'm okay Marcy just uh...still getting used to eating bugs and all" I lied it's not the food because I've only eaten the vegetables Hop Pop has grown. I don't know why I feel so sick but it's getting worse. 

"Okay, (Y/n) if you say" I get up and make sure I look presentable and head out of the room. 

Marcy and I change out of our pajamas and into our normal clothes. We exit the Fwagon and head into the house only to be met with Hop Pop who seemed to be the only one awake. 

"Morning girls" 

"Morning Hop Pop," we said at the same time. 

"Hey, Hop Pop can I ask you a question?" I asked 

"Sure (Y/n)"

"Where did you get the Fwagon?"

Hop Pop then proceeds to tell us about the Fwagon until everybody else comes into the kitchen. Anne and Sasha are still in their pajamas. 

-Time Skip- 

Anne, Sasha, Marcy, and I are all getting ready to go to Newtopia to get the key to the music box. Anne is talking to the Planters saying her goodbyes. Sasha is talking to Grime saying her goodbyes. I and Marcy are just sitting on Joe Sparrows waiting for them. 

Once Anne and Sasha are done they get on Joe Sparrow too and we take off. 

-Time Skip-

(Marcy's POV)

We land at the castle. We sneck past all the guards and make it to the throne room where King Andrias is sitting on his throne with a smug look on his face. 

"Well, it's about time you showed up. I bet this is what you're looking for" He holds up the music box crank. 

Suddenly one of the Evil Frobos comes up and snatches Anne's backpack. It rushes over to the king handing it to him. "Oh, would you look at that looks like you don't need it anymore because I now have the box" He pulls out the music box and places it on its pedestal. He then inserts the key and the call begins to float. 

"Oh Marcy, can I tell you something?" The king asked. I'm frozen in place I don't know what to say. "You might want to say bye to your beloved (Y/n)" Wait what?

After Andrias says that I hear a thump from behind me. I quickly look behind me to my horror (Y/n) is lying limp on the ground. I quickly run up to her sitting next to her.

I grab her hand and I see on her right wrist there is dark green something quickly spreading through her body.

"I'm surprised you guy's didn't figure out sooner that something was wrong. That poison spreads slowly but it would make anybody feel sick the second it enters their body. But once the poison is officially activated it can kill in a matter of minutes." The king pulls something out from behind his back. "Oops would you look at that guess I activated it"

I look back at (Y/n) and hold her hands tighter. "Please (Y/n), I can't lose you again"

"I..." she winces and her breathing slows down. "I'm sorry Marcy." the grip her hands had on mine losses as her hand falls to the ground.

I clench my fist and stand up I see Sasha's discarded sword on the ground. I walk towards it but Anne pulls me back. "Anne let me go"


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