The Fight

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(Sasha's POV) 

I wake up due to the sun shining through my window. I get out of bed and get dressed. I go check to see if Marcy is awake, she's not so I just leave her a note saying that I'm leaving and I will be back later. I pick up my backpack 

I walk to a little cafe to get some breakfast. I order then go sit at a booth in the back waiting for my food to be ready. 

I can't believe we actually have a chance to save (Y/n). It's been hard for all of us. Anne blames herself and she's been through so much I don't know if she could handle not only going back to Amphibia but what if we can't save her and something goes wrong. I don't think Anne could handle that. 

I hear that my order is ready and go get it. I exit the cafe and make my way towards Anne's house we are supposed to spend the day together. I'm going to talk to her about everything after all if Marcy is right about us being part of this profecy Anne is a big part of it. Anne also is the one with the box. I've seen it in her room before. 

I arrive at Anne's house and knock on the door. Anne answers not long after she looks down and I know that look all too well. Most days now she is usually her normal cheery self but on days like this, she's sad and angry at nothing at all. 

"Hi Anne, I brought you a muffin" I hand Anne the muffin

"Thanks, Sash"

"Ready to go?"

"Oh right yeah, remind me where we are going again?"

"We were going to go see a movie remember?"


Anne says bye to her parents and the two of us walk to the movie theaters. There were posters all along the wall. One was for 'Suspicion Island the Movie' aw Grime would have loved to watch that.

Anne stopped and looked at a poster. I looked at what she was looking at, it was a poster for 'Love Choice 2' Anne laughed to herself. "Did you know that the entire town of Wartwood got into a feud over the first Love Choice? Sprig and Polly were the leaders. The whole town was split into two." 

"Kind of like you and me when the first one came out?"

"Yeah, it was" she looked like she was contemplating asking something "Can we see this movie?" she pointed to the poster of Love Choice 2. 


The two of us bought tickets. we waited in line for some concessions. We bought one Popcorn to share and Anne got some candy.  We found our seats and chatted quietly until the movie started. 

After the movie, Anne walked out of the theater in a better mood than before. 

"See I told you she would end up with him" she had said as we exited the theater doors.

"Yeah, yeah how could I forget you've been reminding me every 5 seconds" 

"Can't help it I was right" 

"Yeah, whatever. You hungry?" She nods her head. 

We walk into a pizza place and go a cheese pizza and eat it while having meaningless conversations till the subject of Marcy came up. 

"Anne, Marcy found out how we can save (Y/n). There is a profecy thing and we're a part of it. I don't care about taking out Andrias though I would love to get ravage, the only thing I want is to get (Y/n) back. We have a plan and I think it's going to work. I'm going to help Marcy." 

Anne has a natural expression on her face but I can tell that she's mad. "Sasha let's talk about this at my house" 

Without another word Anne and I walk back to get the house in an unconformable salience. Once we got there Anne let us up to her bedroom my eyes immediately going to the music box on the self then back to Anne. 

"Anne I don't know why your so agast it" I didn't mean to start the conversation but the silence was too much. 

"Why? Because last time someone I cared about got hurt that why I'm against it because I don't want to risk anybody else getting hurt" 

"But think about Marcy...Think about how this all affected her, do you even care?" 

"Of course I care" 

"Then why haven't you gone and seen her o try to help her through anything. Besides yesterday you haven't seen Marcy since we got back from Amphibia. That was a year ago Anne. Your not the only one with trauma from what happened." 

"Yeah your right, it's just so hard" Anne starts crying. I walk up to her and hug her and she hugs me back tightly. 

Eventually, we sit down on the bed and Anne falls asleep. I carefully get up and walk up to the music box. I grab it off the shelf just when I hear shuffling from the bed. 

"Hey! What are you doing" 

"Sorry Anne but I need this" 

She gets up from the bed and takes the box out of my hands and places it on the nightstand. 

"No, I'm not letting you take it. I'm not taking that risk" 

I take a deep breath and turn away from Anne. "What if it were me?" I ask as I cross my arms 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean if I was the one who was trapped in Amphibia. What if I were in (Y/n)'s place. Would you come back and save me or would you not take that risk?" Anne looks shocked I go up and hug her but only to get the box. Luckily my backpack was on the floor next to the nightstand. 

I quietly put the box in my bag and put the bag back down on the ground. I let go of Anne and back away. "Bye Anne" is all I say as I grab my bag and walk out of Anne's room and her house. 

I walk back to my house and find Marcy on the couch staring at (Y/n)'s phone. "Hey Marce" 

She was so focused on the phone she didn't hear me come in so she jumped a little when I said hi. "Hey Sasha, I uh just realized that our plan might not work because we would need the music box to get to Amphibia and I think Anne has it. I don't think we can get it from her." 

I pull the box out of my backpack. "You mean this music box?" 

Marcy's mood never changed faster she ran up and hugged me. "Oh my gosh, of how did you get it" 

Now my mood changed. "I got into a disagreement with Anne but I know we can get (Y/n) back so I took it behind her back." 


(Anne's POV) 

What Sasha said really got to me. Her voice rang in my head over and over again. 'what if it were me'  ugh I knew the answer if it were Sasha I'd be doing everything in my power to get her back. That must be how Marcy feels. Ugh, I've been so stupid I need to fix this. 

I sit on my bed trying to think of ways I can help Marcy and apologize to Sasha and Marcy. I look over to my nightstand and notice that something is missing. The music box, "Oh no" 

(Marcy's POV) 

"So Sasha when are we doing this?" 

"We'll start tomorrow morning ok? We'll stay in Wartwood and get a plan together." 


Suddenly there is a knock at the door. Sasha and I ignore it. Then the knock comes again but it sounds more frantic. Sasha quietly walks up to the door and looks through the peephole then opens the door and it's Anne. 

"I'm coming with you" was the first thing she said. 

Sasha looked at Anne "Why the sudden change of heart?" 

"Someone helped me realize that I've been pretty stupid but I want to help now." She looked over at me then came over and hugged me. "I'm sorry Marcy I would have been there for you." She then looked back at Sasha. "and I'm sorry and thank you" She hugged Sasha. 

We all talked for a bit then we all decided that we needed to go to bed. I got into my room and Sasha and Anne go into Sasha's room. I change into some pajamas and lay down on my bed. Sleep consumes me so I'm well-rested for the journey to come. 

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