Second Chance

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Three girls appeared in the park. Marcy took in her surrounding then looked at her two friends "We're home" Marcy said with tears forming in her eyes.

Anne looked at Marcy with a worried expression. Anne went up and hugged Marcy. Marcy cried for almost 5 minutes. Then her sadness turns into anger. Marcy stands up and pulls away from Anne. "Why did you let her do that?" She yelled tears still rolling down her cheeks.

Sasha got In between Anne and Marcy "We didn't let her do anything, she didn't even tell us she was leaving she just disappeared one night, left a letter, and then you knocked on the door."

Anne then reached into her backpack and pulled something out. She handed it to Marcy, it was the pictures and the second letter. Marcy looked and the letter it was addressed to her. She then looked at the pictures. She recognized them because she was the one who gave them to (Y/n). She looked at what was keeping everything together and it was her hair clip.

(1 week later)

Marcy hadn't opened the letter yet she just couldn't bring herself to do it. She's staying with Sasha because her parents moved away and she had nowhere else to go. Sasha somehow managed to get her own apartment. I think she's friends with the renter or something like that.

Marcy decided to go for a walk and get some fresh air. She found herself passing (Y/n)'s house and there were boxes everywhere. She walked passed trying to keep her emotions hidden with her hoodie.

"Hey, teenager?" I voice called out from behind Marcy

Marcy turned her head, she was now faced with who she knew was (Y/n)'s mother. Marcy had only seen pictures of her. "Yes?"

"Do you want a bunch of junk? My daughter ran away and we are moving and we don't want it"

Marcy knew (Y/n)'s parents weren't the best people they really didn't care. Never the less Marcy accepted the box of (Y/n)'s things. Marcy made her way back home and went to her room. There was nothing but a bed and a desk in the room.

Marcy opened the box. There wasn't much but something that caught the young girl's eye was a little gift-wrapped box. She looked for the tag and it read 'To Marcy Happy Anniversary' Then there was a sticky note attached to it 'Note to self don't get presents for people early because you'll want to give it to them already' Marcy laughed a little. She opened the box and it was a necklace with a little butterfly charm on it. 'To the girl that gives me butterflies, and thank you google for the cheesiest line I could have used. I love you Marcy Happy Aniversary' Marcy put the necklace on and then continued looking through (Y/n)'s stuff.

(1 year later)

Marcy finally felt that she was emotionally stable to try and read the letter that (Y/n) had left her. She slowly opened the letter and read it silently.

' Dear Marcy,

Wow uh, where do I even begin? I guess I should just start by saying that my choice to take your place was not your fault so don't you dare go blaming yourself. There was a reason for my choice. There first time I met the King he called me pawn. In your journal, there was a prophecy written. I know you though, you would have written it on the next page after you wrote about the Prophecy Keeper. King Andrias admitted to planting the journal for us to find so that might of been a phony prophecy. I think you, Anne, and Sasha can take down the king and free Amphibia from his rath. If this somehow doesn't work I want you to know that I love you and I'm the luckiest person ever because I got to be with the great Marcy Wu. Maybe things would have been better for you if we never met or maybe your life is better without me. I can't change the past or people's opinions but I don't regret taking your place, not one bit. You have people that love you and have so much potential to be great. I'm glad I met you and got to be a part of your life. Maybe will be together again or maybe you find someone else. I don't know but my only request is that you stay safe and don't die. If you can't defeat the King come back to earth where everything is safe. And Marcy I know I said it at the beginning of this letter but please never forget that I love you. 

(Y/n), average middle school superhero'

-With Anne and Sasha-

Anne has been getting better with the emotional trauma. She misses (Y/n) a lot but she deals with the grief with the help of Sasha. The two of them also worked out their issues and are working on their relationship together.

Anne is currently sitting at her kitchen table holding hands with Sasha who was sitting across the table. They were watching Anne's mom cooking while some of her favorite Thai love songs played in the background. Anne's mom singing every word. Anne smiled listening to her mom.

Anne and Sasha don't see much of Marcy anymore she mostly staying her room and only comes out to eat once a day or go on walks. 

Suddenly there is a knock at the door. Anne gets up "I'll get it" Sasha gets up too to go with Anne. They open the door to find a panting Marcy holding onto a letter. Marcy lifts her head when she hears the door open. She makes eye contact with Anne. "She knew what she was doing," Marcy said still panting. 

Anne looks at Marcy confused. "Huh?" 

"(Y/n), we might be able to save her and nobody has to gets hurt. She thought about it and figured everything out. She knew exactly what she was doing" 

"Wait what?" Sasha and Anne said at the same time. 

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