Tough Day

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(True Colors spoilers ahead) 

(Anne's POV) 

There is something wrong with (Y/n). Ever since she has gotten back from her parent's house she's been down and she barely eats anything. Today it seems to be worse, it could be because she had a run-in with Marcy but that was almost a week ago. It could be because Maddie didn't know anything about how to help Marcy or what could be possessing her. 

I want to go and check on her but she's been in the Fwagon all day. I decided to bring her some food. I don't know how custom she is to eating bugs and such so I just bring her some vegetables from the farm. 

I knock on the door to the Fwagon and two minutes later (Y/n) opens the door. She looks really tired, her hair is unkempt and she's still in pajamas even if it early afternoon. She had bags under her eyes like she hadn't slept in ages. It worries me because she also looks pale. 

"Hey, Anne. What's up?" 

"Oh,'d just been here all day and I thought I'd bring you some food" 

She moves out of the doorway and lets me come in. We sit down at the table and I put down the food I had brought with me. She picks up something and starts to slowly eat it. 

"(Y/n)?" She stops eating and looks at me "Is there something wrong?" 

She laughs a little "Anne there are so many things wrong I've lost count"

"I guess you're right, but somethings different about today and I can tell" 

"It's nothing" She lied and I know it.

"(Y/n) I think both of us know that a lie" 

"Anne! It doesn't matter anymore and even if it did, it'd have nothing to do with you" She yelled but she immediately recoiled "I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to yell"

"It's ok but can you tell me what's wrong I might be able to help"

"Anne you want to help me? Fine, you can help me by giving me some time alone...just for today please" 

I nod and walk back into the house and sit on the couch. Sasha comes up and sits next to me. "How'd it go? Did you find out what up?" 

"No, she's hurting I dont know what today is but it's making her upset. I can't do anything to help" 

"How about we talk to her tomorrow? She might be feeling better than" 

I nod. We sit in silence for a but then a question comes to mind. "Sash, whats' the next plan?"

 She stiffens at the question "Anne we dont have a plan, Maddie didn't know anything. There was nothing in the archive. I don't know if we can do anything"

"So what we give up?"

"No, I would never give up on Marcy but were at a dead end" 

I stand up "Then let's turn around and find a different route, we aren't giving up, not on Marcy"

((Y/n) POV) 

Today is hard and Anne coming here and trying to help ironically made it worse. I decided I'd do what I do best, run away. I got dressed and went for a walk. It was an open field and it was beautiful. 

I was looking at the beautiful senary when a giant bird flew over me then landed right in front of me. It looked like a sparrow but bigger. It had dark orange wings with a lighter white underbelly as well as a grey beak and feet. there was a small scar across his left eye. It was wearing golden armor and had a wooden saddle on it. 

"H-Hey there" the bird just nuzzled agast me. Then pointed his beak at the saddle. "you want me to get on the saddle?" The bird nodded. "Promise you won't fly away and take me somewhere?" Again the bird nodded. "Ok I'm trusting you" 

I hop on the saddle and sit there. I start to drum my fingers against the seat when I hear a click.  I look down and see that I opened a compartment and looked at what was inside. It was a familiar journal. " can't be" 

I take a closer look and then look tough some of the pages and it was exactly what I think it is. Then a page catches my attention and I look at the bird again. "Joe Sparrow? That's your name right?" Joe nods. 

I continue looking through the journal. When I come across maybe the most important thing ever. "Joe can you take me back to Wartwood please " The bird takes off and we start to fly through the air the distance back to the Planter's house.

I walk into the house and see Anne and Sasha asleep on the couch. I shake them awake. 

Anne wakes up first "(Y/n)?" 

"I know what's possessing her"Sasha and Anne are now wide awake, waiting for me to continue. I simply hold up the journal. 

Anne grabs it "Where did you get this?" 

"Is that Marcy's journal?'" Sasha asked 

I nod "I went out for a walk and then Joe Sparrow flew over to me and it was in a secret compartment in the saddle" I grab the journal from Anne. "The king told Marcy about everything and she wrote everything down...this is our chance to save her"  

Anne grabs my shoulders "It's great that you found it but it's late and you look like you haven't  slept in a year so we can look at it in the morning okay?" 

I nod and say goodnight to Anne and Sasha and go to the Fwagon. I go to the roof of the wagon with my picture of Marcy and me and her hair clip. I look up at the stars "I won't lie today was a hard day especially with what today is, but something wonderful happened. I found Joe Sparrow and now we have your journal so we are getting closer to saving you. I know we'll get you back and we will be together again. I plan to keep my promise and never let you go. Marcy I know you won't hear this but I have to say it anyway. Happy Aniversary Mar-Mar, I love you"

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