Hall of Mirrors

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(You know the drill True Color Spoiler ahead)

(Sprig's POV)

I've tried to keep my distance from Anne, Sasha, and (Y/n) because everybody has been really on edge, but we have really thin walls, so I heard about how they are going home, and it's too dangerous to go up against the King and save Marcy.

I haven't known (Y/n) that long but I know she loves Marcy and there was something off about her being so ok with giving up on Marcy. I heard her talking last night she said she would never let her go so something is not adding up. I decide I'm going to talk to her tomorrow maybe try to make her feel better.

-Time Skip-

I wake up and do my morning chores and then knock on the Fwagon door. Nobody answers, I wait for a few minutes then I knock again still no answer "(Y/n), it's Sprig...I'm coming in" I open the door slowly and...it's empty?

I hop back to the house and find Anne. "Anne where's (Y/n)?"

Anne looks confused "Isn't she in the Fwagon?"

"Umm no its empty"

"OK go check with Sasha. See if she has seen her, I'll look around"

I nod and go to Felicia's Tea Shoppe and walk-in and find Sasha.

"Sasha is (Y/n) with you?"

"Umm no last I saw her she went to bed last night in the Fwagon"

"Well, she's not there. Anne is looking around I'm going to help"

"Wait I'm coming too"

Sasha and I walk back to the house and walk-in. Anne was on the couch with a look of horror on her face. I hop next to her. "Anne, what's wrong?"

"I-I think (Y/n) left"

"left? like how?" Sasha asked

Anne looks directly at Sahsa "I mean I think she took Marcy's journal and Joe Sparrow and left"

'Oh god...you don't think she went to Newtopia do you?" Sasha started to panic

" I don't know but she had Marcy's journal which and Marcy traveled Amphibia, (Y/n) could be anywhere" Anne starts tearing up, Sasha comes up to her while I hug her. Sasha surprisedly does the same. "I lost Marcy and I just got (Y/n) back...what if something happens to her?" I hug her tighter and so does Sasha, Anne continues to cry worried for her friend.

((Y/n)'s POV)

So Joe Sparrow took me to a city that in Marcy's journal was Newtopia. He lands in the city walls. There aren't many guards but I'm still going to keep a low profile. I'm suddenly feeling very lucky that I remembered to bring the cloak Anne gave me.

Marcy's journal talked about a secret passageway in the basement of the castle. For a castle, it is surprisingly easy to get into. I search around until I find whats looks like a library. I hide behind one of the bookcases in case anybody came in. I pull out Marcy's journal because I remember her mention a library with an entrance to the underground passages.

Apparently, Marcy spilled something called a Bug-accino on a tapestry and it led to an entrance. I look around and find a stained tapestry. Marcy, your clumsy genius. I quietly go up and lift up the tapestry and find a brick sticking out. I push it and it opens, perfect. I sneck inside and walk around the multiple tunnels.

After I walk around for a little bit I hear someone or something in distress. I fallow the noise and I come to a hall with a bunch of different mirrors, wired. I walk down the hall and there is an opened door that looks like it was chained shut and had I warning on it but was opened anyway. I had to remind myself that this was for Marcy and I wasn't going to give up so I walked in.

It was some sort of crypt. Coffins were floating around in some dirty water, some of them were chained shut. I see a doorway on the other side and the noise is coming from that direction so I pull up the cloak and take my shoes off and walk through the water.

I make it to the doorway and put my shoes back on and continues down the hall. There is a second set of mirrors and I walk through it. The noise is getting closer.

I walk into a room with a bunch of different kinds of plants and then I spot the source of the noise. It looks just like a legend my father told me about when I was little. Y'know when he still 100% cared about me. The legend of the Moss Man. It's are chained up around its neck. I walk up to it as I take my hood off to look less menacing.

I look around till I find a rock. I pick it up and walk back over to the Moss Man. I grab the chain and hit the rock agast it, breaking the chain. I see that there is a lock on the collar-like thing around its neck. I take out Marcy's hair clip and open it. I use the small part and unlock the restrains.

The Moss Man looks at me then surprisedly hugs me. I can't help but giggle a little bit. "Have you been down here a while?" I whisper ask. It lets go of me and nods sadly.

"Do you have a family to go back to?" the Moss Man nods again.

"Then you should probably be getting back to them, but can I ask you one favor?" The Moss Man nods.

"Do you know where the Procecy Keeper is?"

The Moss Man walks back to the hallway with the mirrors and points in the other direction further down the hall. "Thank you, and who knows maybe we will see each other again someday" the Moss Man smiles and leaves and I walk further down the hall.

I come up to a door and then put my hood back up. I walk further into the room and It looks like there is a big machine but there is a subtle green-blue glow coming from the other side of the room. I slowly walk over it and what I see shocks me to my core.

It's Marcy floating in a tank with what looks like machines connected to her and she wore the same thing as when I last saw her and has a mask to what I assume is to help her breathe. I take off my hod as I stare.

I suddenly feel a large presence behind me. I'm scared to turn around but before I can there is a voice.

"Hello (Y/n) we have been expecting you" I turn around slowly and I see the king. I only know it's the king because Sasha has his picture on a dartboard but he is a lot bigger than I expected but only one thought crossed my mind at the moment. I'm screwed.

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