First Meeting

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(Y/n) laid upon her bed wasting the day away wishing she had friends to do something with. She spent an hour scanning through all the channels on the TV in her room for something to watch. Then settled on the local news channel. She figured it would put her to sleep.

"Breaking News, 500 hundred snakes have escaped from- wait is that a middle school student?"

That caught the young girl's attention as she sat up she watched what was going on.

"That's the zoo across the street" she whispered to herself. (Y/n) rushed out of her house, not caring that her parents were yelling at her. Damn, I'm going to get an earful when I get back.

Once (Y/n) spots the girl, she walks over to her, carefully avoiding the snakes below her. She tries to gain the other girl's attention by taping the girl on the shoulder. She didn't look away from the game in her hands. Ok, we'll do this the hard way then.

(Y/n) grabbed the gaming system from the girl and exited the dangerous area with all the snakes. Once she was in a safe area she looked back to the girl who was a few feet behind her.

"Hey give it back I was so close to beating the game" She has a  beautiful voice.

"Relax, I paused it" (Y/n) handed the girl back her device "But, please try to pay more attention to your surrounding you literally walked into the snake pit."

The girl looked confused then looked back to see zookeepers gathering a bunch of snakes.

"Wow...uh...I...Thank you" She slowly looked back at (Y/n), shock written all over her face.

"Hey, no problem. I'm just your average middle school superhero" (Y/n) struck her best superhero pose

The young girl giggled at (Y/n)'s antics. "Hey, what's your name Mrs. Superhero?"

Does it really matter, I'm probably never going to see this girl again? What's the point?  "I'm (Y/n). What's your name, stranger?"

"I'm Marcy, and it's nice to meet you"

"Well, Marcy, what game has got you so focused?"

The two of there talking for a while till another girl comes up to Marcy.

"Oh my god, Marcy, I'm so happy your ok you had me so worried."

"I'm fine, Anne, thanks to my new friend (Y/n) over here" Marcy points in the direction of (Y/n). She gives a shy wave.

"Well, thank you (Y/n), I'm Anne, any friend of Marcy in a friend of mine."

"Wow, this is new."

Marcy and Anne look at (Y/n) wired. Oh no, did I say that out loud?

"Uh, what's new?" Marcy asked

"Damn, I didn't think I said that out's new for me to have friends. My family moved around a lot for my mother's job, so I never really tried making friends because I knew I would move away. My mother got a permanent job here, so I guess this is just new to me. Sorry"

"Well, you got friends now," Marcy states, "you said you were in middle school, right? What school do you plan on going to?"

"I think it was Saint James Middle School or something like that. I start there on Monday."

"Well, I guess you're in luck, we both go there two if you can't tell by our uniforms" Marcy's had a look of pure joy on her face. It reminded (Y/n) of the small kids she used to help at her old schools it was kind of cute.

"Well, anyway, we best be going. We still have to go and meet Sasha at the mall, but I guess we will see you on Monday (Y/n). See, ya dude." Anne waved and started to walk away.

"Just a sec Anne I'll catch up." Marcy reached into her pocket and pulled out a notebook and pen. She writes something down and tears out a little piece of paper. "Here, shoot me a text sometime. Thanks again by, the way...see you Monday" Marcy ran to catch up with Anne. (Y/n) watched them turn a corner and out of her view. (Y/n) walked home and right past her parents, who were now aging with one another.

-Time Skip to Monday-

(Y/n) walk into school and straight to the office to pick up her new schedule. She was shown to her first class, which was biology. She was the first one there since she got to school early. The teacher showed her where to sit, and so the young girl sat down and put her hood up. She started writing in her notebook. She loves to write little stories in her past time. Sometimes she likes to draw little shapes then builds off them, and it turns out to be something completely out of the ordinary.

Students started making their way into the classroom, and (Y/n) sensed the presents of someone sitting next to her. "Hey, you must be my new partner" (Y/n)'s head shot up, for she recognized the angelic voice that is Marcy.

"(Y/n)? You're my new partner that so cool I can't believe this" There that look again, the one of pure joy. This is going to be an interesting friendship.

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