Figure in the Mist

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((Y/n)'s POV)

It's been a while since I've started walking. I've started walking on my own which is good but uhh something is wrong.

I feel sick and I don't understand why. I've tried my best to eat at least two meals a day and I think I'm getting enough sleep.

I don't know I just feel like puking all the time and I have a headache that comes and goes. I think I'll be okay but it gets any worse I'm going to have to bother Marcy or someone else and I really don't want to do that.

Anne, Sasha, Marcy, and I are going on a walk later. Apparently, they have someplace to show me.

Currently, I'm just chilling in the Fwagon when Marcy came in.

"You really to go?" She asked, she saw me holding my stomach and she looked worried. "Are you alright (Y/n)?"

"Oh yeah I'm alright" I grab a little bag and walk to Marcy. "Ready"

She looked at me concerned. "Are you sure your alright?" I nod "okay but promise me you'll tell me if you're not"

"Don't worry Marcy I will"

Marcy still looks skeptical but she leaves it there and we walk off to meet up with Anne and Sasha.

We start walking in the forest. Anne and Sasha are walking in front of me and Marcy.

"Hey (Y/n) can I ask you something," Marcy asked.

"Sure what about?"

"Your parents"

"Oh" I start fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. "W-What about them?"

"If your not comfortable talking about it we don't have to, I just wanted to know why they treated you so poorly"

"No, it's fine really my parents thought of me as a mistake I guess. When I was younger they showed me some kind of affection mostly my dad though. My mother keep losing her job I don't really know the reason but she always got mad at me like it was my fault. The turning point of it all was when they found out I wasn't entirely straight. My dad didn't really care but my mother was really upset." I hadn't realized that I had stopped walking. Or that Anne and Sasha had turned around and are looking at me. "At least those are the reasons they liked to yell at me about. I don't know if there is some other reason but I'll never find out"

Marcy hugged me Anne and Sasha did the same. "I'm fine really I'm okay now" the three of them pull away but Marcy doesn't let go of my hand.

Anne and Sasha start walking ahead. I start walking to but Marcy pulls me back. "You know I'm always here if you need to talk right?"

"Yeah I know sometimes it's just hard to talk about how I'm feeling y'know"

"Yeah but just know I'm here"

"Marcy we should probably catch up with Anne and Sash"

"Yeah probably"

The two of us catch up to the other two. Marcy is still holding my hand. I mean I'm not complaining I kind of missed this. It's nice to know that things are okay right now but I can't shake the feeling that something is going to go wrong.

I apparently got lost in thought and didn't realize that we had come to a stop at a big tree. It was really pretty. Sasha and Anne sat under it.

Marcy then sat down. Marcy pulled me down with her. It kind of hurt my stomach when I made contact with the ground but I didn't want to tell Marcy that.

We all talk for a little bit about stuff we missed and things we would do together in the future but when that topic came up it also brought up the topic of going home.

"So we need to recharge the box if we want to get home," Anne said.

"The first and third temple should be easy just the second might be a bit more difficult," Sasha said.

"What if you and Anne went to charge the stones because I'm pretty sure that Anne needs to charge the second one and someone needs to stay here with (Y/n)" Marcy said and everyone agreed to the plan.

After a while of just hanging out, we started to walk back to the house and Fwagon. Sasha and Anne went into the house while Marcy and I went to the Fwagon.

-Time Skip-

Morning came and Marcy and I said goodbye to Anne, Sasha, Sprig, Polly, Hop Pop, and Grime, who all decided to go with Anne and Sasha to recharge the stones.

Marcy and I went into town to look around. It was nice just the two of us and the scenery was rather beautiful.

That is until a saw a glowing butterfly. Marcy was distracted by something so I decided to follow the butterfly.

I kept walking till it got foggy and kind of hard to see but the glow of the butterfly was bright enough to follow.

Suddenly I saw a figure in the mist. My first instinct was to run away but I didn't, I just stood there as the figure in the fog approaches me.

Then I realize what it was. It was the moss man, the same moss man from the king's basement. It froze when it was about two feet away from me. The butterfly landed on its head.

It then came up and hugged me. When it lets go she slightly turns around and I think It's gesturing for somebody to come.

Just then I see two other moss men come out of the fog. One was smaller than the other two and it was really cute. The other one came up and hugged me and nods its head like it's saying thank you.

"Oh is this your family?" I look back to the original moss man, which nods. "Well, I'm happy you found them again. I found my family too" 

It smiles at me and we both hug once more. "I should probably get back before-"

I get cut off by Marcy in the distance "(Y/n)!"

"That happens well I'm glad you found your family" it nods its head and the three of them disappeared into the mist just as Marcy came up behind me.

"(Y/n) you can't run off like that you gave me a heart attack"

"I'm sorry Marcy"

"It's alright but we should probably head back to the house." The two of us start to walk back to the house hand in hand.  I look back one last time and see one moss man giving me one last approving nod before disappears into the mist.

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