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(Marcy POV)

It's been about a week since we saved (Y/n) but she hasn't woke up and I'm starting to get worried.

Besides getting food or something really important I haven't left the Fwagon. I want to be there when she wakes up. Anne and Sasha have come in occasionally to check on me.

Will (Y/n) even still like me after everything that's happened. It's been over a year what if she hates me. 

Suddenly there is stirring from the bed (Y/n) shakes for a minute and then stops moving. I gently and quietly move closer to the bed. I watch the steady rise and fall of her chest making sure she is still breathing.

Suddenly she sits up straight and looks around the room. Her eyes land on me she stares for a moment. She quickly looks away and holds her head.

"No this isn't real" (Y/n) covers her ears and shakes her head violently. I quickly grab her arms and stop her from moving so much.

"(Y/n) stop your going to hurt yourself" she stops moving and just stares at me, then looks down at her arm with the thing still on it. She lets go of my hands.

She starts picking at it trying to get it off but when she gets closer she hisses in pain. I grab her hands again preventing her from hurting herself anymore. She once again looks up at me and just stares not saying a word.

Her eyes drift down. She lets go of my hand and reaches for the necklace that I'm wearing. She holds the little butterfly cram in her hand then looks back at me with tears in her eyes.

"Th-this is real, you really did come and save me?"

"Of course I did"

She gently moves a little on the bed and pats the empty side. I get the hint and lay down next to her.

"How'd you get it?" She asked me.

"The necklace?" She nods.

"I was walking by your house and your mother came up and handed me a box of your stuff. It was in there"

"Oh, so my parents moved?" I nod

"Sort of saw that coming, before I came to Amphibia for the first time I had to sneak into my house. I overheard my parents talking about how they were going to wait a week then move"

"Wow that cruel even for your parents"

"Wouldn't put it past them"

"Hey (Y/n) when you were under King Andrias's control he said something about you believing your mother about something"  she noticeably tensed. "it's alright we don't have to talk about it"

"I'm sorry I believed her it's just when I was under the king's control it had just been so long, I thought everyone had moved on. The worst part is that all my good memories started fading I mean I could barely remember what Sasha looked like. But the bad memories of my mother stayed and it just went on for so long. I'm really sorry Marcy" she started crying.

"Hey hey it's okay" I wipe her face with my thumb and scoot closer. "Whatever you started believing doesn't matter now okay?" She nods



"My stomach hurts"

"I know but you're going to get better."



"I'll be okay physically"

I realize what she means. Of course, she is going to have trama why didn't I think of that.  I gently pull her into a hug. "I-" I get cut off by a knock on the door. "That's probably Anne" I get out of the bed and go and open the door slightly and see it is Anne. I let her in and she looks at (Y/n).

"Oh my gosh," she walks up to the bed and gently gives (Y/n) a hug. "I'm so happy your awake" Anne's mood suddenly saddens and (Y/n) looks as her concerned then she looks at me.

((Y/n)'s POV)

"Hey Marcy, can you give us a sec?"

She looks hesitant but leaves the Fwagon leavening me with Anne.

"Hey Anne"

"I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"I don't know just everything the last time a saw you"

"Anne, can I tell you something? You have nothing to be sorry for but I know you Anne and you promise blamed or are blaming yourself but the thing is there isn't really just one person to blame there never is but I forgive you anyway but let's forget all about that drama what I want to know is if you and Sasha are a thing yet?"

I see Anne blush then I heard the door open and Marcy and Sasha come in. "Yeah, we are," Sasha said as she sat at the end of the bed near Anne and I see them hold hands, cute. Marcy goes to the other side of the bed and sits near me.

"Ugh finally Anne used to talk all about you I was this close to locking you two in a room" they laugh a little, it's good to see them smile again.

"It's funny because Sasha used to do the same thing," Marcy said causing Sasha and Anne to blush.

I giggle a little, then remember something I look down at my arm. "Guys, not to kill the moment or anything but what do we do about this?" I hold up my arm with the device on it.

"Well I'm going to assume it was connected to the prophecy keeper but when that was destroyed the light coming from the device also went out" Anne pointed out.

"Okay but it still hurts when I try to take it off?"

"Maybe we can try to take it off by taking it apart?" Marcy suggested.

"Maybe that could work" after that everything just kind of goes into an awkward silence. I get an idea. "Hey Anne, Sash can I talk to Marcy for a bit?"

The two of them nod and get up and exit the Fwagon. I look over at Marcy and she seems tense. I grab one of her hands trying to reassure her a little bit. 

"So what about you?"

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Have you found someone?" She looks shocked then her face softened.

"Yeah I have actually, I found the love of my life" I knew she found someone better than me

"Really I'm so happy for you" I try to smile to show that I'm happy for her but I can't really help it and I can feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

"And you want to know the best part?" She leaned down and kissed me. Wait, what? "I just got her back"

"I missed you Marcy"

"I missed you too (Y/n), sorry it took so long"

I smile but then I feel my arm start to sting and the stinging move all through my body. "(Y/n)?" Eventually, my vision starts to fade and the last this I hear is Marcy yelling my name then everything went dark.


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