Episode 2 of 62

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Kingdom of the Red Rose
(Episode 2 of 62)
Chapter One: Train Wreck
(Part 1 of 2)

As soon as Griffin crossed over into Earth, he found himself flying through a light blue sky with a bright sun shining in the distance. His black robe violently danced against the wind as Griffin picked up speed, but his hood was never pulled back, keeping his head hidden in darkness. On the ground, an entire city appeared to be nothing more than a small grey block, trapped between the deep blue of the sea and the green of nature that covered a nearby mountain. He spotted the team he was ordered to join and redirected his flight towards them.

"Armageddon," Myrianthy said in a serious, dramatic voice. She paused and smiled in admiration of her own cleverness. "The sky tore apart, and the Heavens descended upon Earth with divine wrath. All Hell broke loose, and the blood hungry Demons of Hell spewed upwards from the ground. Free from their eternal bonds, they escaped their pitch-black prison looking for souls to consume," she burst into laughter.

Most of the Grim Reapers flying alongside Myrianthy smiled; at least those who could form a smile. Some even allowed a few giggles to slip out.

"But that's a lie and you know it," Dafne said, "Demons don't consume souls. They're incapable of such a thing. It's the souls' mana they're after."

"Yes, I know it, you know it, we all know it, but the humans able to see this scene wouldn't have known that," Myrianthy replied.

"Come on Dafne," Nicolas said as he bumped into her, "Stop interrupting Myrianthy. Let her tell us the epic tale of how we bravely charged into battle and saved hundreds of souls from the hands of blood hungry Demons. It's the only entertainment we have until we reach our destination."

They were all descending to earthly ground, following the two teams of Angels in front of them that were flying in a tight formation.

"Besides," Griffin added, announcing his arrival, "It's not like we are looking for an accurate account of what's about to happen." He removed his hood and revealed his bleached-white skull and grey-blue eyes. "It's fun listening to Myrianthy twisting the truth like any human would have, had any of them been able to see us rushing into their world."

"Well, what do you know, the rookie will be joining us," Myrianthy moved next to Griffin, "I didn't know they reinstated you back to collecting souls."

"Last minute addition to the mission, and I'm actually working on Archangel Michael's team. But he believes it's best if I help you collect souls for this one, especially since that's what I was trained for." Griffin turned and looked at Myrianthy straight in the eyes, "Besides, without me you will probably screw everything up and lose a soul."

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