Chapter Ten

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Namjoon was completely and utterly struck with an overwhelming fear that made him close to vomiting. The smell of the sauce he was hastily throwing together certainly wasn't helpful. 

While he was no chef, his mother had never been able to do anything more than char food in the kitchen and he refused to order takeout for their already awkward meal tonight, so he was doing his best to make some pasta. It certainly wasn't great, but it would probably be edible enough. 

"Why are you staring at me?" he asked sharply. 

"You really like this boy," his mother stated. 

"Yes," he sighed. "We've already been over this. I'm pretty sure that's why we're having this dinner in the first place."

She frowned slightly. "Why don't you want me to meet him?"

Namjoon paused from the peppers he had been carefully cutting up. "It's not that I don't want you to meet him. It's just...everything has been going really good. I don't want anything to change that."

"And you think I'm gong to?"

"Depends on how weird you are tonight."

Her lips pursed. "I'm not trying to be weird. It's just a surprise. You've never shown interest in anyone before and now you're seeing this boy, who you're clearly very serious about. It's a lot to take in. However, I want to meet him and see what my son having a boyfriend looks like. I promise I don't plan to embarrass you or make things harder. I just want to be a better mom to you."

Those words tore at his heart. He had always wanted to hear them, but he also feared them. They had been estranged in the same house for so many years that he didn't know what a family would look like. 

Namjoon nodded. "As long as you're nice and limit your embarrassing of me," he said finally. 

His mom smiled. "I can only agree to the first condition."

Namjoon turned his focus back to the food and not cutting himself. Soon, he made a pretty decent sauce and the pasta was just right. He even threw in some frozen garlic bread in the oven. He had just finished placing everything on the table while his mother had taken an unexpected work call in her office when he heard the doorbell. 

He quickly moved to answer the door, blinking in surprise at the sight of Jin. The elder's hair was carefully parted back from his forehead. He wore a lavender dress shirt, carefully tucked into his nicest pair of jeans. 

"Wow," Namjoon said. 

"Back at you," Jin retorted, except his gaze with filled with amusement. "Look at your little apron. And your hair, it's completely crazy." He giggled a little. 

"And I suppose you'd still look like that after cooking?"

"Well yeah, but I have a gift with food." He stepped into the house and gently smoothed down the younger's hair before pulling him in with a chaste kiss. 

Namjoon blushed slightly as the realization sank in. His first ever boyfriend was in his house. He had never had anyone really except for Yoongi over here, and even that was limited. He grabbed Jin's hand and lead him out of the foyer. 

"Your house is gorgeous," Jin marveled. 

"Thanks," Namjoon said. "It's too big. But I guess given that my mom's a top attorney, she needs a house that reminds everyone of it."

"Do I get a tour?"

"Sure. My mom is on an emergency work call, so god knows how long that will take. Hopefully it wraps up before the food gets cold."

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