Chapter Fourteen

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The world had turned upside down. 

The secret Jin had been desperately keeping for the past year and a half was suddenly exposed and the aftermath was even uglier than he could've imagined. 

His mother was hysterical, unable to process that reality of her perfect little family. Jin couldn't help being furious to her for subconsciously turning a blind eye and trying to find a way to justify what had happened. The fact that Namjoon and Jin had both been sent to the hospital by her stepson or that her husband had known about the secret beatings and didn't say a word. 

So finally, out of pure desperation, Jin had taken Jimin's offer to stay with him. Having a broken rib, broken fingers, and extensive bruising all over his body, he wasn't a very fun roommate. Still, none of the Parks, the most considerate people in the world, complained about having to assist him or giving up their guest room for him. 

He certainly couldn't stay there, but as of right now, he couldn't return back to that house. 

Hyun-Soo had smoothly lied about what happened that night, claiming it was a misunderstanding and the boys had attacked him. While that was hard to believe, given the fact they were minors and it ultimately was his parents' property, it was dismissed. 

Aside from all that, Jin had not been able to face Namjoon. 

The younger had tried to visit him in the hospital, but Jin refused to let him in. Then Namjoon had been exploding his phone with constant messages and calls, just pleading Jin to talk to him. 

Jin knew he should answer them and he wanted to, but he also couldn't. He felt too sick, recalling that horrible night and watching the beating Namjoon had taken because of him. The boy he had loved had been in harm's way because of him. This was all his fault. 

So as guilty as he felt ignoring it all, he knew he'd only feel more guilty accepting his calls. 

Jin didn't leave the guest room much, only for meals and to the use bathroom. He felt like the biggest intruder, even though the Parks constantly assured him that he wasn't in the way in the least. Besides, their close knit family only continued to remind him that he wasn't with his family. 

As he had, he laid in the bed, staying in the same pair of sweatpants and one of the many hoodies he had taken from Namjoon. 

There was a brief knock on the door before a head peaked in. Jimin gave him an apologetic smile. 

"You have a visitor."

Jin sat up and took a breath. As much as he had been avoiding this and would've continued to, he knew this moment was going to have to happen eventually. 

"Let him in," he said. 

Jimin nodded and stepped away. Namjoon slipped inside, quietly closing the door. Jin felt the constant nausea that had plagued his stomach for the past week as his eyes flickered across the male's face. His eyes was bruised and lip split, but Jin was sure that was the least of the younger's injuries from that night. 

"Hi," Namjoon whispered. 

"Hi." Jin's eyes dropped to his hands, but he forced them back up to the male. It killed him the way Namjoon looked at him with complete patience and understanding. "Do you want to sit?"

The other nodded and took a place beside him. Cautiously, Namjoon's hand lifted and the pads of his fingers gently moved along Jin's cheek. While there was an urge to push him away, he couldn't help leaning into the touch and savoring it for just a moment. 

Haven. Warmth. Safety.

These hands fought for him. These sweet and loving hands came to his rescue. They gave him love and cherished him.

Sincerely Yours (Namjin) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now