Chapter Twenty

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Jin was absurdly nervous for Namjoon to meet his dad's family. Perhaps it was because his mom's family had been so distant and then there was the mess of Hyun-Soo. It also didn't help that he wasn't certain how his father felt about him being gay. He wasn't even sure the man knew until the other day he blurted out in the middle of their conversation:

"I have a boyfriend."

His dad had blinked for a moment, seeming to wonder where he had missed this transition. Then he nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, tell me about him," he said. 

So Jin told him everything, unable to help gushing about the incredible boy he was once again lucky enough to call his own. It had probably been more information then his dad had been looking for, but he nodded along. When Jin had finally finished, there was another quiet moment.

"Invite him over," his dad said. 

And Jin did. 

While his dad had seemed fine, he was still nervous about Namjoon coming here. What if they didn't get along? His father was an opinionated man. What if his dad was disgusted by their relationship? Perhaps he had thought he could handle having a gay son until he actually saw them together. What is his little sisters, Areum and Byeol were rude to Namjoon? After all, as adorable as they were, they still hadn't quite yet learned what thoughts were not appropriate to actually say outside of your head. 

However, he heard the doorbell before he could find time to worry about anything else. He rushed to the door and quickly opened it. 

Namjoon had dressed the perfect part. He wore a crew neck with three-quarter sleeves that nicely hugged his biceps and a pair of khakis that definitely worked for his ass. His hair was parted back from his forehead. He was the perfect boy next door. 

He laughed a little as he took in Jin. "You okay? You look like you're about to pass out."

Jin nodded. "Yeah, just a little nervous."

Namjoon smiled. "It will be okay."

He stepped inside and before Jin could open his mouth, he saw his dad walk into the foyer. Truthfully, he could be quite a scary man. His dad was strikingly handsome with the same broad shoulders as his son and even taller build. 

"You're Namjoon?" his dad asked. 

Jin watched his boyfriend maintain his confidence and nod. "Yes, I'm Kim Namjoon. It's a pleasure to meet you sir."

His dad offered his hand, which Namjoon took and shook firmly. "You can call me Daniel."

"Daniel?" Namjoon questioned. 

He nodded. "It was an easier name when I worked in America for awhile. I was tired of being treated like a clueless foreigner. Eventually, it just kind of stuck."

His dad gestured and they followed. Namjoon began asking him questions about his job and his time in America. Jin followed, a bit surprised by the ease in the conversation as they made their way to the living room. His stepmom was waiting there and gave Namjoon a warm introduction and a hug. His little sisters were a little more wary of the new visitor, but thankfully didn't say anything rude so far. 

They all sat around the living room, Jin and Namjoon sharing the love seat. His parents directed some easy questions to Namjoon, soon focusing on the younger's interest in music. He had been worried about his dad's reaction, but he continued to talk with his boyfriend about his musical influences and how he got started into song writing. 

Soon, Areum walked up to Namjoon. She grabbed his wrist, inspecting a braided bracelet he was wearing. He gave her a warm smile that made her quickly tucking her face away. Slowly, she raised her eyes back up to him with pink cheeks. 

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