Chapter Three

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A week had past since the ugly confrontation in the hallway. Regret had consumed Namjoon since he saw the hurt and confusion that crossed Jin's face that day. Now he nearly had chewed a hole through his bottom lip as he leaned against the blond's locker. Sure, he could've just left another note, but that wasn't getting him anywhere and he hadn't exactly expected it to. Desperation had just made him hope that somehow Jin might be able to pretend none of that had ever happened. 

Glances were shot his way from passers by. Unfortunately, he was pretty certain it was more for his suicide attempt rather than the fact he was standing in front of Jin's locker. He wasn't sure how, but like all bad things, word had gotten out. No one had directly confronted him about it, however, the change in the way others had treated him was more than evident. While people had simply trampled on him with ease before, now they were all too delicate, nearly avoiding him at all costs. Even teachers didn't to seem to know how to treat him. 

Everyone, except for Jin that was. The elder seemed to have no problems being completely pissed off at Namjoon and wanted him to know it. It was an odd relief. 

Namjoon knew he deserved the anger wholeheartedly, no matter what he had or hadn't done. Perhaps it even made him like Jin a little more. 

Namjoon saw the elder coming down the hall finally. His posture straightened and he gripped the strap of his book bag. He stepped off to the side to let the other get his books. Jin's jaw visibly tightened as he caught sight of the brunette in front of his locker. A sigh left him as his eyes zeroed in on his locker. He was determined to get his books and hurried off. 

"Jin," Namjoon said softly. 

The older male quickly put in his combination and swung open the door. He kept his eyes forward.

"I'm really sorry," he continued. "I know I was a complete ass. There isn't a good excuse, but I was embarrassed and stressed. It means a lot to me that you care and that you came to the hospital to try to see me."

For as furious as Jin was the other day, today he was just...vacant. A shell of anything resembling the vibrant male that so easily captured Namjoon's heart. His eyes continued to travel along the male. As he studied the elder, it suddenly became very noticeable the way Jin's weight was all shifted onto his left side. It almost seemed as if he couldn't bare even the weight of his textbooks on that side. 

"Are you okay?" His voice dropped lower. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," Jin responded dryly. "And that was a lame apology."

Namjoon had come to notice like many others the way Jin had frequently found himself injured. The bruises, cuts, and winces frequently adorned the pretty male. They were always small enough to be excused easily by the fact that he was clumsy or there was an accident. But as his inquisitive eyes continued to watch the severe pain Jin was evidently in, he knew this wasn't any of those things. 

"Jin, what happened to you?" he asked more fervently. 

Then finally he got it, an emotion. The blond's spine stiffened suddenly and his head finally turned to face Namjoon. Intensity moved over his features in a way that many would mistake for anger, but Namjoon knew better. Those brown eyes said fear. 

"Just leave me alone!" Jin snapped. 

Namjoon's eyes sadly looked at him, giving him one final moment to confide, but Jin's full lips stayed shut. It made the younger's heart ache. 

Kim Seokjin was always the person who walked annoyingly straight, those broad shoulders never slouching. He never even blinked if he gave the wrong answer in class. When Jimin dumped water on his pants and everyone made fun of him for it, Jin gave his best friend his sweatshirt and scared them into silence. He was bold and confident, yet never cocky. 

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