15. Dork

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I dragged my nails across the cold wall of the balcony desperately.

'Jasmine, please, listen to me!' Angelina begged,' I'm sorry, I should have never talked about this depressing stuff!'

I ignored her, letting the salty tears wash my face.

I suddenly lunged forward, but she pulled me back.

'NO,' she roared,' No Jasmine, darling, listen to me, please, killing yourself isn't the solution, you'll leave others behind you in agony, it never works!'

Of course it would work, I didn't care about what happened later, all I wanted was to end the pain, the grief, and jumping off the balcony of Angelina's bedroom seemed the only way. Creature nudged me again, but her grip stayed as tight as before.

She gave me a rough shake.

'Snap out of it,' she said sharply. The doorbell rang. Angelina ignored it, and tried to hold a wrestling me back. It rang again, and again.

'Let me GO,' I shrieked. Angelina finally pulled me out of the terrace, and she quickly locked it. I collapsed on the bed. She quietly went outside. I heard her go down the stairs and open the door.

I looked around the room, for something. My eyes fell on the manicure set. I opened it with fumbling fingers, and took the shaping knife out.




3 neat cuts made their way from my elbow to my inner wrist. I watched in satisfaction as dark red blood oozed out slowly, dripping on the floor.

I closed my eyes and imagined all the agony and grief flowing out of my body.

The door abruptly banged open and their stood Chase. He walked over to me, extreme anger on his face. He snatched the small knife from my hand and threw it away. He then slowly transfigured into an old lady, his head humongous and spoke in an eerie voice which sounded like a distorted version of Dad's,

'Theyyyy're coming for youuuuuuuuuuuu.'

Carmen suddenly walked out of the closet, her arm linked with her mother's and they both started laughing at me, jeering.

I felt something wet and sticky on my foot and I looked down to see a huge pool of blood, but that wasn't it; something was beginning to shape out of it, and before I knew it, a huge, ferocious beast stood in front of me.


I screamed.

'Wake up, Jass, wake up!'

I felt someone shake me and I woke up with a jolt, on my warm, soft bed, sweating all over.

Dad was sitting beside me, looking extremely concerned.

'What- what happened?' I stuttered, glad to be back in my own room.

'You fainted in the car as we were coming back from Angelina's,' he explained.

I let out a low groan, as my head gave a sharp pulsating pain. I fell back on the snitch covered pillow.

'Should I get the doctor?' he asked me, placing his hand on my forehead.

I shook my head.

'I'm fine, just a little dizzy,' I assured him.

'Are you sure?' he asked, his brow furrowed,' you're a little hot.'

'Only a little?'

The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. Dad gave a dry chuckle.

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