16. Mylanta

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'Oh, how lovely it is to see you girls!' Mrs. Williams exclaimed happily, hugging Jasmine, Suzanne, and Christina turn by turn.

Mrs. Williams was a pretty lady, with blonde hair cut in a bob, and had the same blue eyes as her son. She was wearing a sky blue ascot dress, and she would have looked even prettier in it, if her normally slim figure wasn't thinner than usual, or if she wasn't so pale, or had dark circles under her eyes.

'Marilyn's in her room,' she said, beaming,' she'll be delighted to see you all!'

Christina went up to her room without another word. I decided I would give them some time alone, before I went to.

'Isn't Mr. William's home?' I asked her, as she went behind the kitchen counter and started taking out pots.

'No, dear, he had to stay at work a little longer. He'll be back in time for dinner, though- which, by the way, you shall be doing with us,' she said brightly, bustling here and there.

'There's no need for that!' I said quickly,' We just came here to meet Marilyn.'

'Nonsense!' she said, sternly, handing Suzy a chocolate bar,' Chase has called Carmen over too. It's been so long all 3 of you have been here.'

'Where is he, by the way?'

'Dressing,' she said, now with an amused look on her face,' Ever since you both started dating, he's got very conscious about his looks.'

I laughed as we both said at the same time,



'Can I come in?' I said as I peeked in Marilyn's room.

'Yes,' a faint voice answered. I opened the door completely and went inside.

Marilyn was on the bed, looking frail, with oxygen cylinders and various machines next to her bed. Her room looked peaceful, with the pale blue walls.

She smiled weakly at me, and I saw Christina squeeze her hand.

I sat down gingerly on her bed, noting how her long, strawberry- blond hair now resembled mine- short.

'Hey...how are you?' I said softly. A cloud passed across her face, and she replied,

'Perfectly fine- why wouldn't I be?'

I flushed.

'Sorry,' I muttered, but she instantly said,

'No it's fine. It's just annoying when everyone keeps asking you that...'

I gave her a sad smile.

'It must suck,' I said sympathetically. She nodded.

'But hey- you are one strong girl. I know you're not going to let cancer get to you,' I said strongly.

She smiled, this time warmly. The door creaked open and a mop of sandy- yellow hair peeked in.

'Hallo Mary, Hallo Suzy, Hallo Tina, Good Evening Ms. Jones, how are you doing today?'

We girls giggled as he stepped in. I have to admit, he had me speechless for a moment.

For the first time in his life, his hair wasn't on his face, but neatly swept back in a wave with lots and lots of hair gel (which was visible) and he was wearing a classy navy blue suit which made his eyes pop, and his hands were tucked neatly in his pockets, while his black shoes were polished so well they were emitting a glow.

'Whoa....'said Marilyn,' I've never seen you so clean.'

He rolled his eyes at her.

'Now I feel I've dressed too simply,' I wailed, looking down at my mustard- yellow Gryffindor jersey, and maroon skirt, with black- heeled boots.

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