20. Away

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'Carmen?' I exclaimed. My head started to spin. Hasnain looked bemused and shook his head.

'I'm gonna go...Illaliqa Abeyha,' he said, and went. Carmen gave me and Abeyha a sheepish grin.

'I'll explain. But first, let's go to your room,' she said, hurriedly. I followed her.

She sat on my chair and took a deep breath.

'So you'll never guess what- '

I held up a hand to cut her. Abeyha sat awkwardly on my bed. I leaned against the wall.

'First introductions. Then you're telling me how you got in,' I said, firmly. Carmen nodded. She turned to Abeyha and held out her hand.

'Hi, I'm Carmen Wilson, a fugitive from Mars. I used to be an alien but my good friend Jasmine here gave me a potion that turned me into a human. Nice to meet you.'

I smacked my forehead. Abeyha, however, visibly relaxed and laughed.

'Nice to meet you too,' she said, shaking her hand,' I'm Abeyha.'

'Ab- ay- haa?' Carmen repeated, unsure. Abeyha shook her head.

'It's Ab- ee-ha,' she said,' and don't you dare spell it with a double 'e'.'

'Carmen, this is Abeyha, my friend, and her brother tutors me, and Abeyha, this is Carmen, my best friend,' I said, taking matters into my own hands. They both acknowledged each other politely.

'Now how did you get in,' I demanded. Carmen flushed.

'I climbed through the window,' she said, her cheeks a little red, but then continued seriously,' You should keep it locked. There's ivy growing all over the wall which makes it easy to climb.' Abeyha burst out laughing, I stared at her in disbelief.

'Why didn't you come in through the front door?' I asked, confused. Carmen shrugged.

'I was feeling adventurous,' she said with a lazy grin. I shook my head once again.

Carmen shot me a questioning look.

'Oh, umm, Carmen, Abeyha will be joining us on the road trip,' I explained.

'Might be joining,' Abeyha corrected me. Carmen nodded slowly.

'Well what did you have to say?' I asked her curiously.

'Never mind,' she said,' I'll tell you later.'

I suspected she said that because of Abeyha.

'Sooo, umm, what do you do in your free time?' Carmen finally asked Abeyha, after the silent seconds stretched into minutes.

Abeyha jumped.

'Oh, I write,' she said,' I'm currently working on a Harry Potter fanfiction. What about you?'

'I eat potatoes,' Carmen replied, and we all started laughing. It didn't last for long, though. We once again fell into the awkward silence. Finally, Abeyha sighed heavily.

'You don't have a brother right?' she asked me.

'Yeah, I don't,' I replied.

'Good,' she said, and took her veil and scarf off and let it fall around her neck,' I'm boiling hot.'

Carmen looked at her curiously.

'Why do you even wear that?'

Abeyha gave a serene smile.

'What has anyone done to see my beauty? I know you guys think that wearing whatever you like is freedom- but this is my liberty. When I cover myself up, I know I'm safe from all sorts of idiots hitting on me. I feel liberated when I cover up, I don't have to worry about anyone's eyes on me. It's my choice, and if you've got a problem with that, then go call someone who cares. Someone who's not me,' she said without missing a beat, and she now had a fierce, blazing look in her eyes.

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