DIR(13): Medieval planes

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To most of Kilgharrah's listeners, the legend of Myrddin and Bruta did not really come as a surprise. After all, Freya had already told them the whole story.
In addition to that, Gwaine had replayed the tale to Arthur and Merlin. Who were, as you know, their reincarnations.

But Kilgharrah's story didn't end with Bruta's death.

"I was one of the first dragons that Myrddin hatched...", Kilgharrah explained, forming uncharacteristically coherent sentences.
"And I became one of her most trusted friends. We spend many decades together. She taught me magic and the secrets of prophecy.
When the day came that she deemed me ready, she entrusted her family to me.
Her children, the lineage that would one day bring forth her reincarnation. That is you, young warlock.", Kilgharrah leaned down to nudge in Merlin's direction.

"She -", he paused, looking around at faces with reactions of various degrees. "- went to Camelot. She took the egg with her. I don't know much about what happened after.
But I later found out that Hector and his wife Elena found the egg."

There was a deep rumoring vibrating through the crowd. As many hadn't expected Hector to play further role in this. Other's just hadn't expected Hector to have a wife. Let alone one that supported his actions.

"Since the Dragon Lord lineages were thinning out, Rebecca here -", he pointed at the elder of the village with his tail, "send us to fight Uther. Who, as we knew, was working with Hector against us.
For me however, who was ordered by Myrddin herself to take care of her family, I came to Camelot, because Balinor's father had died. And I found it necessary that he would know. So I had asked permission to come along.

I remember the towers of Camelot's Castle standing proud in the sky, when we approached.

The guards and knights of king Uther were already waiting on us. And Uther had send Hector to fight us as well.
However, when Hector saw me, he asked for help instead."

There was a meaningful pause.

"He asked you for help?", Rebecca's eyebrows were raised in question. "Did he think you would just turn against us? Was he nuts?"

" That's not what he asked for. He demanded answers. He and Balinor captured me with chains at first, to ensure I wouldn't escape them. I understand now why they did it, even though I am not pleased that it happened. They told me why. Hector didn't know what to do or what was going on. But his own son had awakened the egg.", Slowly, all heads turned to Leon. Who needed a moment to realize that by 'his son', they meant HIM. But Kilgharrah wasn't done talking yet. "And they had wanted to ask me which effects this was bound to have. And also they didn't want me to attack Camelot, like the other dragons were at the time. They knew I would never hurt Balinor. And I knew the most about all this. So they found it safest to capture me. "

Only then did Leon find his voice to ask the question that was at everyone's mind right now:
"Wait... I'm no dragon Lord. That.... doesn't make sense. I couldn't have done that. I don't even remember that."

"The rules of the hatching of dragons do not apply to him. In the old days, when our kind still had feathers, back when we were free of rule, anyone of our blood could hatch our children. As long as they found a connection to the hatchling inside.
It appears, you have found that connection with the dragon. And given them their name."

"But I don't....", Leon blinked.
Somehow..... this did sound familiar. It's a rare thing to remember something from so long ago. So long that it was buried deep within your mind. From before your consciousness set in.
But sometimes it happened. There can be triggers to that. Smells, songs, or stories, as in this case.
Do you sometimes smell the sweet smell of cookies and are instantly set back to Christmas at your grandma's house? It's things like that.

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