That's not Emrys part 13

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"It all begins with George's birth.", Iseldir sighed.

"So the servant has a name, huh?"

"People usually do."

Beeltheas crossed his arms and leaned against the bars. A skeptical frown placed in his eyes.
"How can the birth of a servant be of any importance to this stupid legend?"

"Simple.", Iseldir said and a smirk graced his lips.
"He wasn't born a servant."


Screams echoed down the hallways of Camelot. And it was the only sound that disturbed the silence. It shattered the ears of the listeners and made maidens and servants rush in and out the chambers of their future queen Rosalin. Usually, men would not have been allowed within such a nerve wrecking atmosphere. But Rosalin called those old traditions rubbish and had basically forced her husband to stand by her side.

Ashen and pale, he sat next to her bed, holding her hand. Or rather, she was squishing his hand into a pile of hand goo with the strength she put into it.

"You're doing great, Rose.", Lionel said. The man was the exact opposite of Aeris nervous and shaking presence and sat on the other side of the bed as well. Lionel had wisely not taken Rose's hand and was instead waving the servants around that were too nervous to actually enter the room.
He also may have avoided a seat right next to the window and rather preferred the one at the door.
Mostly, because Rosalin was strong enough to throw him OUT of the window, if he as much as breathed a wrong word.
The door on the other hand, was a pretty safe escape plan, if you asked him.

Another scream cut through the air and Aeris swore the walls themselves were shaking.

"Milady, you have to breathe.", said the midwife and almost earned a magical induced hit in the stomach from 'milady'.
"Yes thank you, I almost forgot.", Rosalin hissed, while the contractions made her feel like she was being ripped in half. Another scream almost tore apart Aeris ear drums.

"I can see the head!", the midwife finally said with relief. And rightfully so. Her face had been contorted in upmost concentration to what we would call hours, which back then must have been defined differently.
It was a long birth, which was never a good sign.

The midwife's smile disappeared as soon as she managed to reach the child to help pull it out.
"Oh no.", she said and paled.

"Oh no? What is OH NO?!", the future queen paled. She was tiptoeing the edge with her nerves and such a statement could NOT mean any good.
The midwife swallowed hard as she picked up the bloody baby and gently placed them in their mothers arm.

"Why isn't it crying? Why is my baby not crying! They should be crying!", Rosalin asked, panic rising in her voice. She regarded her child with fear. Her own heartbeat too loud to tell her what was wrong with her child, when she checked for it's pulse. The child wasn't breathing. It lay dead in her arms.

"You're loosing too much blood!", the midwife commented alarmed, not answering her actual question.

"I don't care. My baby isn't breathing! Why isn't he breathing?", Rosalin was crying now.

"Sir Lionel, I could really need your assistance here. You're advanced enough in magic to stop the bleeding. Please, or else we loose the mother too.", the midwife said pleadingly.
She was too occupied in her attempts to stop the bleeding to look at anyone.

Rosalin went still. "No.", she said and tried to wake up her child. But the baby's eyes were closed. The umbilical cord had wrapped itself around the baby's neck. It must have choked it to death during the process of the birth.
"No.", Rosalin cried.
"Lionel, please save my baby! Please! I don't care if it costs me my life. But please!"

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