That's not Emrys part 14

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A.N.:// Random art ahead (by me :D)


Neither Merlin nor Arthur slept that night. They sat in that hallway, their backs against the forest wall and just breathed in the other's presence.
Eventually, the sun moved higher and higher at the sky and the risk of a random guard walking by got too risky.
So Arthur decided to bring Merlin back to Gaius' chambers.
"Are you sure?"

"Merlin, you should go and sleep for a while. I'll talk to my father about the trial and Iseldir.
I also have to apologize to Leon I think. And...", Arthur paused his newly starting monologue, when he looked into Merlin's tired face.
"You look really tired, Merlin."

Merlin grinned. "You should lose your mind more often, Sire. You're so much kinder when you do."

Arthur chuckled at that, but then shoved Merlin down the corridor.

They didn't pass many people down the hallway. Most servants were still running around, trying to get organized.
In the middle of the chaos, they found George standing over them, sending them each in different directions, as if he were some kind of leader among the servants.
I mean, he was their leader.
They were completely fucked without him. Not gonna lie.

Arthur ignored him and George him, as per usual. Though Arthur did wonder where Leon had gone.
However, something else prodded at his mind. So he turned his head once more. George was facing them, yet he didn't acknowledge their presence. But something glistened in his eyes.
Strange. 'His eye color is strange.', Arthur thought. Like koroits. With tiny green specks in it.
Where had he seen those before?
He shook the question out of his mind and continued with his mission.


Arthur rarely ever noticed just how far away Gaius' chambers were from his own room. Merlin had to cross almost the entire castle, just to wake him. And the castle wasn't exactly small.
The secret chamber was actually closer to Gaius' chamber than Arthur's normal room within the highest tower.
Now, that he walked Merlin home, he was reminded of that fact, but didn't comment on it. Once or twice, his mind tricked him with the directions, but Merlin corrected him every time.
Right. Forbidden corridors. Secret passageways that only those people could know who had been part of Camelot's construction.
Arthur should probably write them down later. Just so that when he got his mind back, he could learn of these highly conventional new routes and rooms and places.

Finally, they reached Gaius chambers. Arthur and Merlin didn't knock as they entered. And of course, they found Gaius still sitting at his table, researching in what seemed like the dozenth book. At least according to the huge pile of books next to his chair.
Arthur didn't know exactly WHAT Gaius was researching. But if it had to do with the magic that corrupted Leon, then he wouldn't find it in these books.
After all, Aeris and Emrys had invented the magic and Sigan liked to keep his secrets, rather than share them.
Quite ironic, if you recall that he used to be their teacher.

"Gaius? Were you up all night?", Merlin suddenly asked and roused Gaius rather unpleasantly from his intense stare at the words below him.

"Merlin!", Gaius sputtered, as if he hadn't heard them enter.
"Sire!", his eyes suddenly widened and he got to his feet.
But Arthur waved him to sit down again.

"I was just...", Gaius muttered. His tired brain seemed to need a moment to remember there was no point in lying at Arthur. He knew of the magic. He was pretty fine with it, too.

"Researching about the magic that keeps Sir Leon alive?", Arthur asked and crossed his arms.
"Gaius, you should sleep, you know that, right?"

Gaius sighed and clapped the book closed. The gem he was reading with, he put right on top of the tomb.
Arthur blinked. Gem?

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