Tiptoeing around the mistle (part 3 Christmas special)

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Leon and George were followed by no less then two people.
First and foremost, Margaret, who was still trying to talk to Leon alone. Leon was somehow dressed down as a commoner. He looked ridiculous with those rags as clothes, a shaven face and brown hair.
Hardly anyone paid them any attention, thinking Leon was just another servant.
Which the knight seemed to be very thankful for.

But they weren't fooling Margaret, who was fuming with jealousy. She had put her soft brown hair into a bun, to appear more serious and mature. Probably to appear more interesting to Leon.
That was just something that Gwaine noticed, when was following after her.

However, that didn't prepare him for when they reached the entrance to the dungeons.
What on earth were Leon and George doing down in the dungeons?
Margaret seemed to be thinking the same thing, because she stopped a second, before she as well hurried down the stairs.
Slowly, hoping they weren't causing any loud echoes, they followed the two men into the darkness of what was supposed to have been abandoned years ago.

Don't get this wrong, Margaret wasn't aware she was being followed.
She would be properly creeped out by it. Which is quite ironic, if you ask me.

Either way, soon enough they reached something that looked a lot like a giant cave. And if it wasn't odd enough that from somewhere a light source illuminated the entire place, you could hear someone stomping and shouting. There shouldn't be any living creature down here. Who was that?
That voice did not sound familiar.
And soon after the flapping of wings and a deep growl emerged from said creature. That was not a human sound.
Whatever this was, Gwaine was instantly on high alert and immediately hid behind the next rock that was big enough to hide him from view.
However, it also stopped him from seeing anything himself.

It didn't take long, before he recognized the two people laughing as George and Leon by their voice.
Until a high pitched screaming interrupted the otherwise pretty dark atmosphere. And cut the laughter off abruptly.

"Margaret?", Gwaine hear Leon ask, almost scandalized.
Only then did Gwaine dare to look over the rock that he had been hiding behind. And his eyes immediately widened at the weird scenery in front of him.
Somewhere in the air was a motherfucking dragon, spitting fire at something on the ground and yelling at it... where those rats?
George and Leon stood before that odd picture, and maybe that was what they had been laughing at.
Which was so absurd, that Gwaine had to look twice to make sure it's really them.

Margaret, however, had fallen to the ground and stared at the Dragon and then at Leon with nothing less than fear in her expression.
"Leon...", George was putting a calming hand on his friend's shoulder, but Leon just rubbed his face with his free hand.

"What are you doing here.", Leon sounded dreadful. He didn't really ask for it. His amusement from earlier was gone immediately.

Margaret was stuttering and stumbling over her words, and Leon made no attempt to help her up.
Gwaine gritted his teeth at the sight.
"I.... I was just..."
"Stalking me.", Leon finished her sentence. He didn't look happy at all.
"I wasn't trying to. I just meant... I -"
"You followed me. Without me knowing. What the HELL is your problem?", Leon stepped forward and he looked almost threatening in the dim light.
He was not aware of that though.

"Leon, please.", George tried to stop him.
"What are we supposed to do with her? She shouldn't be here! She's going to ruin everything we've worked for. And it's my fault. For not shaking her off! For not noticing her.", Leon turned to him, suddenly appearing pained.

"Ruin? Ruin what? Can't you SEE the dragon?", Margaret pointed behind him.

"He's chained. Don't worry about him.", Leon waved it off. "Now tell me why you're here."
Margaret still sat there, before she answered shyly. But not because of what she was going to say, but because of the irritatingly amusing scene behind her.
Kilgharrah was currently trying to hiss the rats away. Which didn't work, but looked frightening to those who didn't know Kilgharrah. Meaning that Gwaine flinched at the sound.

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