That's not Emrys part 15

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(Random art ahead)

SO now, this chapter is extremely long and it was a lot of fun too.
So, I genuinely think I connected all the important strings now. I sure hope so.
And do not worry. THere is ONE more BONUS chapter left to go.
A little spoiler: In this chapter, only crystals got destroyed! And paintings. And statues. No one died for this.... or did they????it's But it's worth it. I hope I didn't do too much confusing stuff. I beta'd like... half of this. And then I got tired, because I wanted to be done with it.
I hope it's okay.
It's over twenty pages long. It has to be.

BY THE WAY: This chapter was inspired BY: House of memories by panic!at the disco. Also, Arthur's face of with Uther was inspired by J'arrive by Ben Mazué. I don't know french, but that was the mood the song's gave me.


"What is this place?", Leon asked. Arthur had lead him through the corridor. Passed another painting of a landscape. And then somehow ended up by his and Emrys room again.
"Arthur, where are we? You do realize we're not supposed to be here, right?"
Of course, Arthur had found him in a sealed hallway. But Leon was immortal. Even if Uther found and had him killed, Leon would be fine. He was always fine.
Arthur however, wasn't. And they bordered really dangerous terrain here. Who knew what was inside that room?
Leon certainly didn't.

Arthur smirked and opened the door anyway.

Leon sighed, before he decided to trust in his prince and followed him inside. There, he stared at the unreasonable windows. The bookshelves full of magic books. Other ones full of wooden figurines. It was evident that someone had carved them. But it looked like a well loved and well practiced hobby. The room itself like it was well loved and lived in.
Leon's mouth fell open. Questions upon questions on the tip of his tongue, but Arthur beat him to it.

"This was Emrys' and my room.", Arthur explained and Leon's mouth fell shut.

"Why are we here?"

"I figured it would be best if we didn't discuss magic in public. Also, Emrys studies are here. They are the only help we have regarding the magic that deletes all your memories.", Arthur said and went to the bedside table to grab the book that had been left there untouched for hundreds of years. He opened the book and stared at the written pages with sadness. A small soft smile graced his lips.
"It took him so long to get the letters in order. But once he understood them, he never stopped writing. He was incredible.", he muttered, more to himself than Leon.
Leon knew, because the context was completely lost on him.

"Studies?", he focused on the important stuff instead.

"Well, yes.", Arthur chuckled. "Emrys and I had a similar issue once. We didn't get to resolve it, but apparently it resolved itself.
However, we know the theory."
Arthur switched the pages to the marked page and held it out to Sir Leon. Who could do absolutely nothing with that explanation. But the book may help him see what Arthur meant.

Sir Leon grabbed it hesitantly. The pages were old, after all. And sentimental to the man he served. Then his eyes widened. "Emrys wrote all this?", he asked and his head snapped up. Marveling at the gentle curved letters. The fine illustrations of symbols, the careful designed capitals. This was calligraphy at it's finest. It was hard to believe it was all done by a single individual. Arthur nodded. "He loved writing.", he added for no reason other than to gush about his dead husband.

Leon gently grabbed the pages and pulled back to reveal the previous ones. Which were equally fine and carefully written.

"And this isn't dangerous? I mean... giving up my memories? I mean.... besides the losing all my memories part?", Leon asked. "I will by Sir Lionel again, you said?"

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